Ron DeSantis bans Florida’s sex ed classes from mentioning anatomy & contraceptives. All districts are now required to promote abstinence, exclude consent, and remove any pictures of reproductive organs.



    Florida: where your rapist can marry their teenage victim and force them to have their baby, while the victim doesn’t even know anything about what’s happening to her body or why.

    Florida is the Middle East of America.

  2. What’s a sex ed class that doesn’t mention anatomy, contraceptives and consent? A glorified Bible lesson. Abstinence only sex ed doesn’t work. What Florida is going to get is a rise in teenage pregnancies and worse outcomes.

  3. Mike_Pences_Mother on

    How do you teach sex ed without anatomy? Or contraceptives? Abstinence doesn’t work. Pictures of reproductive organs? Are we raising people to be adults or morons? Never mind, that is a rhetorical question

  4. >The Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) has ordered local school districts to submit their sex education plans to the state for approval. The FLDOE has also said the classes must promote abstinence and cannot include discussion of contraception or pictures of reproductive health organs.

    >For some time, Florida law has mandated that sex-ed lessons emphasize the “benefits of sexual abstinence as the expected standard and the consequences of teenage pregnancy” for grades 6 through 12.

    >But now the state has removed any local control of additional information school districts can provide their students.

    >“Pictures of external sexual/reproductive anatomy should not be included in any grade level,” the memo recorded state officials as saying. “Contraceptives are not part of any health or science standard” but could be mentioned as a “health resource,” though “pictures, activities, or demonstrations that illustrate their use should not be included in instruction in any grade level,” it said.

    >Now the state must approve any additional curriculum and they’ll either deny the additions or ignore them, forcing local districts to cancel sex-ed classes altogether until the state addresses their plans.

    >Elissa Barr, a professor of public health at the University of North Florida and a member of the sex ed advocacy group Florida Healthy Youth Alliance, has been keeping in touch with local school officials and compiling a list of words and phrases they’ve been told to remove from their reproductive health plans.

    >These words include abuse, consent, domestic violence, fluids, gender identity and LGBTQ information, she said.

    >Removing the word “fluids” from lessons will make it hard to teach about how HIV is transmitted, for instance, since it spreads through blood, breast milk, semen and vaginal “fluids”.

    >“That’s science,” Barr said.

    Florida is really fighting to be #1 in teenage pregnancy and teen domestic violence rates, apparently.

    That’s the only reason why I can imagine anyone would ban sex-ed from schools. DeSantis and his coterie must want teenage pregnancy. This is such ass-backwards thinking.

  5. Little_Cockroach_477 on

    They just use genderless mannequins and say, “Don’t do anything below the waist.”

  6. ScoutsterReturns on

    I sure wish we could defeat these fuckers for good so this country could move on to all the great things it could be.

  7. Virtual-Squirrel-725 on

    This is why abortions increase under GOP policies. The abortion laws are always tied to lower sex ed and less access to contraception.

  8. accountabilitycounts on

    >exclude consent 

    What? I knew these people think anatomy is icky and contraceptives are bad, but we can’t talk about consent anymore? 

    Seems.. rapey..

  9. Don’t Have Sex!

    What is sex?

    We can’t tell you that!

    I thought this would be some exaggerated headline, like “before 4th grade”, but no — all grades. Florida must need more teenage moms.

  10. I’ve been to Miami. Not a lot of abstinence going on during spring break. This move is not only stupid and reckless from DeSantis: it is plainly Sharia law.

  11. Boomer here… that’s how sex ed was when I had it in 6th grade. The teacher (male) had to dance around the subject using electrical outlets as his example. The girls loved to watch him blush when they would press him for a better explanation.

  12. He wants all of his constituents to share the same blissful ignorance that has made so many of his constituents lifelong supporters of Republicans.

  13. Ron keeps children ignorant and brags about it. Thinks slavery was an apprenticeship program. Appoints a vaccine skeptic as Surgeon General and has increases in measles, tuberculosis and leprosy. I still waiting for some comment about false and vicious lives about 500,000 Fla residents from Donald about eating cats.🙀

  14. These southern states creating some MA$$IVE bills for us in 10-20 years. Going to have a bunch of welfare kids washing up on the new Georgia shores…

  15. Icy-Indication-3194 on

    Seriously. What the hell? What is this even trying to accomplish? What is his logic behind this?

  16. So: Here’s what’s left:

    Scenario: Health class….

    Teacher: Today we will address the topic of sex education. Here is the complete, government approved curriculum on that topic: “Abstain”.

    Student 1: Abstain from what?

    Teacher: I can’t tell you, just abstain

    Student 2: What is sex?

    Teacher: I can’t tell you.

    Student 3: Can I masturbate?

    Teacher: If you you have completed a recognized apprenticeship and journeyman term and have been accepted by the union, then yes, you can Master Bait.

    Teacher: Now we will have a test. (hands out test):

    The Test:

    In a situation in which there might sex I promise to ___________.

  17. Didn’t republicans try that abstinence only crap under Bush Jr. and teen pregnancies spiked?

  18. No-Attitude-6049 on

    Sex Ed Teacher: “Now children, the thing goes in the thing… but only after you’re married in a Christian church”

  19. Of course abuse and consent are removed as banned words. How can a young person quantify rape without knowledge of the words to express it. Rape exception successfully nullified. Essentially the state is furthering their forced birth policies. Failing to protect the lives of the children already here from STDs, abusing their mental health, shaming them with their theocratic regime. Pro self-harm party

  20. Trust teen pregnancy rates to skyrocket in the next 5 or so years. Then what? These idiots with their head in the sand approach to education of any kind is nonsensical.

  21. That’s the end goal. Creating stupid people, that create more stupid people for the millionaires and billionaires to exploit.

  22. Exclude consent doesn’t make any fucking sense at all. If there was only one thing to teach, that’d be it.

  23. Can you imagine being upset that teachers might tell your kids about how important it is to get consent before engaging in sexual acts? Because I can’t.