Hey everyone!

I’m 22 and currently working as an accountant in Belgium. I’ve got just 2 years left until I officially earn my ITAA, and I’m planning a big shift in my career. Soon, I’ll be going self-employed, with an hourly rate of €55 for 38 hours a week. Thats a gross income of around €9,045, which is roughly €5.6K net if I move to Bulgaria.

Here’s the catch: I want to make the leap to Sofia and work 100% remotely! 🎉

I’ve been eyeing neighborhoods, and Dragalevtsi caught my attention. Has anyone lived there? What’s the vibe like? Is it safe?

I have a mixed heritage—my mother is Bulgarian-Turk and my father is Gypsy—and I’m a bit concerned about potential discrimination. Should I be worried about “skinheads” or any nationalist groups? I’ve attached a photo of myself; do you think my heritage is noticeable?

I spent part of my childhood in Bulgaria (in Pleven – also born there – and I loved the chill vibe there so much), but I don’t really know what it’s like to live there as an adult. Some of my family members think I’m crazy for wanting to move back, but I feel a strong pull toward my roots.

Any advice or insights you have would be super appreciated! Thanks in advance! 😊


Posted by ComprehensiveMess593

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