Coalition pushes gas as nuclear stopgap, but PM says Dutton won’t ‘come clean’


  1. Wow who would’ve thought that this whole bs thing was all just a ploy to keep using fossil fuels over renewables given the huge lead times. Im shocked and appalled

  2. Why are we discussing this like it’s a real idea? It’s clearly a ploy to keep fossil fuels going for longer, the LNP has been bleating about nuclear for months but hasn’t presented a single costing or plan

  3. Ask Dutton how he’d fix the cost of living crisis? Or how he’d bring house prices down? Or rentals down? 

    Aak Peter ANY question on relevant policy, and you get crickets. Yet Australian journalists are lock step with the Coal lition with a bizarrely bonkers Nuclear “plan”. A “plan” that would see energy costs rise, basically forever. 

    How the fuck is he preferred over Labor? At least they’re doing what they said they’d do. He just talks batshit crazy, pie in the sky rubbish.

    Journos, ask him fucking relevant questions, or stop giving them air? This is a bullshit policy, that not a single serious scientist supports, nor any relevant economist.