Russian warship fires warningshots at Norwegian fishing vessel

Posted by Jazzlike_Highlight90


  1. HorrorStudio8618 on

    They’re really hungry for that escalation it seems. That’s a pretty good sign that mr. p. is getting desperate. Nothing like this ever happens without an ok from the top in a country like russia.

  2. Flexing on the only ships who they can pose a threat to, fishing vessels.  Cringey

    Like the 4th grade  school bully who has been stood up to by the whole class, he shifts his bullying down to the kindergartners who cant possibly fight back.

  3. UnratedRamblings on

    Maybe they just wanted to be seen to be “doing something proactive” so as to not be dragged off to the meat grinder, like the crew on the aircraft carrier…

  4. Russia is busy trying to find someone else to bully since it didn’t work out so well in Ukraine, they buzzed the Japanese as well this weekend

  5. Unlucky-Foot-2768 on

    Making friends and influencing people. This is why the free world hates RuZZia. I can’t wait to see that scumbag country collapse!