Did you check if they have emergency contact info set? Also, if Siri is enabled you can ask Siri “who owns this phone” and it should give you their info contact info (name, email etc)
ah-sure-its-grand on
Where is Sydney parade?
ClassicVaultBoy on
If you keep pressing the low volume and power button you should see a screen to turn off or access emergency contacts/health info. It should help you find the owner
soulpotatoes on
Ah sure it’s mine mate.
Mysterious-Fig-7582 on
call ICE number,
dudeirish on
Keep it charged if you can. They might call it
Right-Ladd on
Aye that’s mines, thanks very much just dm me n send it to me
I’d drop it into the Garda station.
Did you check if they have emergency contact info set? Also, if Siri is enabled you can ask Siri “who owns this phone” and it should give you their info contact info (name, email etc)
Where is Sydney parade?
If you keep pressing the low volume and power button you should see a screen to turn off or access emergency contacts/health info. It should help you find the owner
Ah sure it’s mine mate.
call ICE number,
Keep it charged if you can. They might call it
Aye that’s mines, thanks very much just dm me n send it to me
ICE/LOST number on yer lockscreens people!