1. Make sure you pay them. The more we can encourage Russia to turn on itself, the more quickly its fall will come.

  2. This is the second time this has happened that I am aware of. Says volumes about russian base security that teenagers can get to the flight line without detection.

    Imagine what a trained operator could do behind the lines.

  3. Actually effective idea. That is close to 100 times what poorer local earn in a month, job opportunities are shit, people are kept desperately poor in semisuicidal hopelesness by ruling kleptocrats and security might be lax because they are usually in bumfuck nowhere far from moscow. Could be more effective if, instead of kids, they used someone more trained and sneakier to avoid getting in trouble and earn more from multiple successful missions.

  4. That’s right Russia, keep your people poor, hungry, and uneducated, and they’ll do anything for money, whether it will be to go to Ukraine and kill or be killed, or burn your helicopters.

  5. Wait is that all it costs? Shit, usa got money, 20k per helicopter and 5k for some howitzer rounds lol