Trump Just Went Full Holocaust With Latest Immigration Threat | Donald Trump wants to give immigrants “serial numbers.”


  1. JustAMan1234567 on

    When he says that he wants to give you a gold star it isn’t because he thinks you’re doing well.

  2. Don’t think for one second that they will only go after immigrants. Every one of us is put at risk by these threats.

  3. Isn’t this looking like a deliberate dogwhistle? Is this coming from Stephen Miller, is he literally shoring up the support of literal neo-nazis?

  4. “You put one wrong person onto a bus or onto an airplane, and your radical left lunatics will try and make it sound like the worst thing that’s ever happened,” he added.

    What a sociopath – yes, deporting a legal women or child to Mexico – would certainly be the worst thing that’s happened to that person. And no the media are not ‘liberal lunatics’ for covering this future scenario

  5. LOL, who couldn’t have seen this coming?

    # Trump posts video referencing ‘unified Reich’ if reelected


    # After backlash, Trump pulls social media post with reference to ‘unified Reich’

    >At two points in the video, text below a larger headline reads: “INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED… DRIVEN BY THE CREATION OF A UNIFIED REICH.” The text is somewhat blurred, making it difficult to make out at first glance.


  6. Did he mention they also want to tattoo these serial numbers on said immigrants, or are they keeping that part quiet, for now?

  7. I_like_baseball90 on

    I don’t care how f’ing stupid his cult is, there has to be people in the cult who are against Hitler 2.0. Has to be.

    I know most of them want this stupid shit, but there has to be some who do not.

  8. Quick_Silver_2707 on

    Attention Latinos and Catholic voters. The melon felon is talking about rounding up millions of people who look/worship just like you and sending them to camps.

    Vote for your life

  9. Let’s start with him…and stop there.

    For now, TFG-34. I don’t know what his prison humber will be.

  10. Apprehensive-Fun4181 on

    Meanwhile NPR News is actually changing his speech transcripts  to make him sound coherent.

  11. Talk about history trying to repeat itself. This is some scary shit level caliber. This falls in line with the comment of if the Jews vote for Harris and he loses they will be blamed. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t put serial numbers on them.

  12. geologicalnoise on

    And he just came out and said he’d blame the jews if he lost.

    What the fucking fuck timeline is this

  13. Copying a post I made on an an Ohio reddit (because my sons live there.)

    “A sad commentary..

    I remember living in a country that hosted thousands,tens of thousands, no! over the years–hundreds of thousands of migrants from another one country.

    They didn’t speak the language! They did not follow the local customs. They caused traffic accidents because they did not know the rules of traffic (some of them causing fatalities)!

    Some of these migrants used OUR local schools and OUR hospitals!

    True…they did jobs we could not or would not do ourselves, just like those in Springfield, Ohio.

    Of which migrant community do I speak?

    The migrant community of American military personnel in Germany.

    I never met a German who claimed the Americans were kidnapping cats and dogs to eat. Not even after this incident when an American serviceman decapitated his wife’s lover and then carried his head to his wife’s bedside hospital table.


    And you know what? Just like many Germans are now regretting the downsizing of the US military in Germany and elsewhere, given Putin’s threat…because for all their foibles, for all the disadvantages,the cultural differences…we shared a common value…democracy and our antipathy to a totalitarian state.

    I am dismayed at the Americans, and particularly the American vets, who seem to forget, that they too were once migrants…and now are attacking migrants here at home with totally manufactured vitriol…those migrants who also share a common value with us…that America offers, or so we have always claimed…for people looking to live their lives in peace, and through hard work to raise themselves up in life. And yes…those who now here in the US call for mass deportations…will also rue the day when they discover just what an important role these migrants/immigrants played in OUR economy.

    (this commentary written by a civilian American,who was married to a German and who lived for many years -25yrs +in Germany, and a substantial part in that area of American military concentration often referred to as “Little America”… some of you vets may remember K-Town, and whose sons now live in Ohio.)”

  14. >“A lot of the millions of people have had children who are American citizens, and don’t you think the first time there is an image on television of a family tearfully being told to board a bus that that whole program would end?” she asked.

    >Trump agreed and offered a solution: less media coverage.

    Democracy dies in the darkness.

    Trump: “a little more darkness here”

  15. He’s really banking on people not understanding history, huh?

    This is so far beyond the pale that he should be forced off the ballot tomorrow. Concentration camps, branding human beings…. We think we’ve come so far and all it takes is some thin-skinned reality TV asshole to bring back echoes of the most horrific occurence in the 20th century.

  16. Give them serial numbers so they can be tracked and then put them into camps, where they are concentrated for efficient processing. Is just so efficient! It’s like something a German, who are famously efficient, might design. Given that the Republican party has lost its status with the younger generation, perhaps it should rebrand itself as “National socialist US workers party” but don’t worry, the “socialist” is completely for show.

  17. “Trump has regularly mimicked Adolf Hitler during his campaign. .. immigration threats are getting even more disturbing.”

    He has always had these disturbing thought. Just more and more are coming out.

  18. OkRevolution3349 on

    Immigrants. Not illegal immigrants. Immigrants. I wonder if that’ll include all the white immigrants too…

  19. sugarlessdeathbear on

    Somehow when he says to give all these people numbers it doesn’t come off the same as like giving people a Social Security number or something.

  20. Giving us serial numbers? Don’t we already do that via social security numbers and driver license and ID numbers??

  21. Amazing-Artichoke330 on

    Trump gets many of his ideas from Hitler and other dictators. Hitler tattooed numbers on his concentration camp inmates, so Trump has to do so, too.

  22. givemewhiskeypls on

    Yeah, he’s right. We should take the migrants at the border, make them fill out some paperwork, process them and give them serial numbers, maybe we can call them, I don’t know, social security numbers. Might as well run background checks on them too. And we could like, I don’t know, help them find a place to go so we know where they are. And maybe mail them a card to prove they were processed, maybe the card could be green. Then we could force them to renew that card every 10 years. But like, after 5 years we could let them apply to actually be citizens. That’ll teach ‘em.

    This is sarcasm, by the way… because I know how sensitive Reddit is.

  23. Really gives you some insight to the minds of Americans seeing as he is still in the running with a very good chance of winning.

  24. I remember I was being told I was overacting by saying this motherfucker was the second coming of Hitler 8 years ago. 

    Here we are now.