Savings measures are being applied to students.

These images of the meal fed to children as a bean and chickpea dish, but containing no meat or legumes, were heartbreaking.

It has been observed that children are fed tomato paste water, which does not contain any nutritional or vitamin value, in the name of meat and water.

Ayran, which is served as yoghurt cacık with a low yoghurt content and high water content, should have cucumber in it, but it did not go unnoticed that it also had a few mint leaves in it.

It was learned that according to the ministry’s specifications, one sixth of the meat and one third of the legumes that should be used were used, leaving children hungry.

It was revealed that the Dicle District National Education Directorate used 60 percent of the daily ration sent by the ministry for the students and saved the remaining 40 percent in the safe and used it for non-purposeful works such as the renovation of the teacher’s house, the playroom, and the construction of a pergola and gazebo in the garden, thus condemning the children to hunger all day long.

This situation was noticed after a citizen working as a food engineer at Dicle Teachers’ House reported it in 2023. An investigation is expected to be launched by the Ministry of National Education on the subject.

Posted by CharacterNo3281


  1. Col_HusamettinTambay on

    Sırasıyla Erdoğan ve Yusuf Tekin’e teşekkürler.

    Tabi canım, 2001 krizinde devlet maaş ödeyemiyordu. Şimdi hamdolsun herkese maaş ödeyebiliyoruz. Sadece maaş ödeyebilmek için atama yapmıyoruz. Hademeye gerek yok, attık. Öğretmene gerek yok, günlük yevmiye usulüyle çalıştıracak birilerini buluyoruz nasılsa. Eh, çocuklar da sağlıklı beslenmesin canım, ne olacak?


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