Amazon, Tesla and Meta among world’s top companies undermining democracy – report


  1. From the article:
    “Blackstone, the private equity firm led by Stephen Schwarzman, a billionaire backer of Donald Trump, was cited in the report for its roles in funding far-right political movements, investments in fossil fuel projects and deforestation in the Amazon.
    “Blackstone’s network has spent tens of millions of dollars supporting politicians and political forces who promise to prevent or eliminate regulations that might hold it to account,” the report noted.
    The Vanguard Group was included in the report due to its role in financing some of the world’s most anti-democratic corporations. ExxonMobil was cited for funding anti-climate science research and aggressive lobbying against environmental regulations.
    Even in “robust democracies” workers’ demands “are overwhelmed by corporate lobbying operations, either in policymaking or the election in itself”, said Todd Brogan, director of campaigns and organizing at the ITUC.“

  2. TheManInTheShack on

    Tesla isn’t backing any far right candidates. Elon Musk is but he’s a private citizen. Tesla is a public company and its funds are not being used to back far right candidates.

    The reverse would also be true. If Musk for example was donating lots of money to help cure cancer it would be Musk helping to sure cancer not Tesla.