1 in 20 Australian women could have experienced some form of reproductive coercion from a partner, which includes a range of abusive behaviours aimed at controlling their reproductive freedom.



  1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:


    From the linked article:

    One in 20 women could have experienced reproductive coercion in Australia, according to a survey of women attending a WA sexual health clinic. 2623 women participated in the questionnaire, which asked them about their current and lifetime experiences of abuse, intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion – which includes a range of abusive behaviours aimed at controlling their reproductive freedom. 5.3% of participants reported having ever experienced reproductive coercion, the researchers say, and 17.3% reported having ever experienced intimate partner violence, a figure they say lines up with previous Australian research. The team say larger proportions of women in their study who were aged 35-54 years and living in middle-class areas reported abuse, which differs to previous research, and while they say this difference should be investigated it shows the importance of considering women from all walks of life as potentially at risk of intimate partner violence. Those who reported reproductive coercion were also more likely to report violence, the researchers say, and they add that medical professionals assisting women experiencing abuse should consider asking follow-up questions about reproductive coercion.

  2. The questionnaire included the following:

    “Has a partner ever tried to influence your decision to continue with a pregnancy when you wanted an abortion…”

    As I’m reading it, anyone who answered this “yes” has experienced “reproductive coercion”. So if you are pregnant and want an abortion and your partner says “gee I’d really like it if we kept the baby” congratulations you have just been reproductively coerced. Even if when you say “no I really want an abortion” and your partner says “OK dear, if that’s what you want” and helps you to get it.

    “influenced” is so pissweak it could mean almost anything.

    This sort of science is set up by people with an agenda to get a result that sounds like something it isn’t.

  3. These are the questions they asked them

    * Has a partner ever put you down, humiliated you or tried to control what you can or cannot
    do? YES/NO
    * Has a partner ever hurt or threatened to hurt you? YES/NO
    * Has a partner ever placed pressure on you to become pregnant when you didn’t want to?
    * Has a partner ever pressured you to use contraception (birth control) when you wanted to
    become pregnant? YES/NO
    * Has a partner ever tried to influence your decision to continue with a pregnancy when you
    wanted an abortion, or to have an abortion against your will? YES/NO

  4. So if you’re a man, and don’t want to use or don’t trust condoms, and ask your partner more than once if she’d use contraception, then that’s “reproductive coercion”.

  5. Login_Lost_Horizon on

    Imagine labeling any attempt of persuasion as a coercion and adding a sad picture to it.
    Gosh, i wish innate and basic abuility of human beings to have opinion and communicate it was not villanized for five minutes.

    Questions so vague and unspecified could only be created with specific goal of supporting certain percon’s worldwiews, the only coercion this study shows is coercion to believe pseudo-scientific surveys.

  6. The worst part about this kind of abuse is that everyone on the outside judges her for it.

    I know a woman whose husband raped her and controlled her birth control forcing her through multiple pregnancies and people were constantly judging her for being lazy, staying at home, having kid after kid on low income etc…