It comes to the window to get cheese at 8am and 8pm everyday and when they go on their walks the magpie follows them and protects them by walking or flying next to them, they fully let it inside their house and sit on the couch and stuff.


  1. >My grandparents feed this magpie breakfast everyday and let it inside and **now it’s quite chubby**

    And they think that’s OK?

  2. I know times are tough but your oldies can’t go round fattening up the wild life to eat them. Although a bit of garlic, fresh rosemary, and a nice red wine jus would pair quite well with that plump black and white chicken.

  3. Cheese is fine for Magpies as well as mince.

    The full white back ones are the males and he’s probably taking food back to his mate on the nest and most possibly their chicks.

    The Magpie will know your parents faces and associate them with food. If they get swooped, it won’t be this fella.

  4. ElectricGator3000 on

    “Hey magpie, you’re a tubby bitch!”

    Next swooping, it’s gonna be on like Donkey Kong.

  5. No-Country-2374 on

    They’re beautiful creatures. I’ve had them come into my place too and have great photos. They’re not just after food so unnecessary to overdo it. They are very social birds and also quite playful and they can remember a person forever.

  6. AI info feeding Magpies

    Magpies are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Their diet typically includes:
    * Insects: This is their primary food source, including beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, and caterpillars.
    * Small animals: Magpies may also eat small reptiles, amphibians, and rodents.
    * Fruit: They often consume fruits, especially during the summer months.
    * Seeds: Magpies will also eat seeds, particularly when other food sources are scarce.
    If you’re interested in feeding magpies, it’s best to provide them with food that mimics their natural diet, such as insects, fruit, or a high-quality birdseed mix.

    Feeding magpies cheese can be harmful to their health. While they might find it tasty, cheese is high in fat and salt, which can lead to obesity, heart problems, and other health issues. Additionally, most birds, including magpies, cannot digest lactose, the sugar found in dairy products. This can cause digestive problems.
    It’s best to stick to natural foods that magpies are accustomed to, such as insects, fruits, and seeds. This will help ensure they stay healthy and happy.

  7. NoBSplease-REALonly on

    It is illegal to interfere with wildlife.
    (Wildlife Act 1975)

    Feeding wildlife creates numerous problems, hence the law.

    Incorrect diet damages animal health, and often lethal. Eg; feeding seeds to lorikeets.

    Feeding also increases the availability of food resources, leading to unnatural population densities which promotes rogue behaviour. Eg; feeding magpies leads to increased swooping behaviour in spring. Due to the availability of food, the birds do not need to spend time foraging. This leads to excessive swooping, and then extended out of season. These birds are then destroyed.

    There are many reasons and examples of why the law exists.

    Poisons & toxins in processed food.
    Even foods considered healthy to humans can be lethal to certain animals.
    We are still learning what dogs can eat, and we have a 10,000 year history with them.

    Localised food sources encourage aggressive behaviour between individuals. Ie; if food was naturally ‘spread out’, then foraging individuals would also be spread out.
    Classic case of bonobo (Pygmy Chimpanzee) from Congo. Rival clans exhibit all the nastiest traits of humanity; violence, murder, infanticide, rape, kidnapping, enslavement, acts of war. Bit this has only ever been observed between clans fighting over the intense, localised food sources provided by tour operators trying to attract them. It has not been observed in natural conditions.

    Please don’t interfere with wildlife. You are MOST PROBABLY hurting the animals you Eps to enjoy.

    Please admire these wonderful animals from a distance.
    If your grandfather needs company, visit him more often, join him up to a social club, or buy him a dog.