Former Irish soldier killed in combat in Ukraine

Posted by That_Technician_439


  1. Rip, huge respect to him for risking it all to fight against the tyrant trying to expand his holdings in europe

  2. justtoreplytothisnow on

    Unbelievable and admirable conviction to risk his life to defend Ukraine from Russian invasion. And incredible bravery to return to combat after being seriously injured once. 

    Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam dílis.

  3. FatherHackJacket on

    May he rest in peace. And you’ll still have Irish people simping for Russia. The mind boggles.

  4. The lads that fled their home country driving around Ireland with ukraine reg BMWs thank you for your service

  5. Dangerous-Shirt-7384 on

    RIP but my God it is an awful waste of life to travel 3500km to another country to fight in a war that has nothing to do with you alongside people that you cant even have a conversation with.

    He got injured 2 years ago and came back to Ireland for treatment then headed back out. If ever there was a sign to stay away that was it.

    Half of Ukraine is over here getting away from the conflict and this poor lad headed over in the opposite direction…twice.