Could Ted Cruz Actually Lose in Texas?


  1. This Texan sure as fuck hopes he does. I’ve never voted for him, never will vote for him. I look forward to voting for Colin Allred when early voting starts here.

  2. Doubtful in a Presidential year. Trump is worshipped like a diety by Republicans here. Democratic cities don’t vote. Hope I’m proven wrong cause all my homies hate Ted Cruz.

  3. Doubtful. Republicans dropped the “decent human being” standard for elected officials a long time ago.

  4. It’ll never happen! We were having these same exact conversations during the Beto O’Rourke craze in 2018, and the whole country (let alone Texas) was soundly disappointed. It’d be wonderful, but it ain’t gonna happen. Sorry.

  5. As long as Ted Cruz represents Texas I will have to say Texas BBQ is mediocre at best with unseasoned, over cooked, dried out meat. Prove me wrong and vote!!!

  6. Gold-Perspective-699 on

    We need to start putting his real name Rafael Cruz cause he himself doesn’t like when people use the wrong name so we should follow that.

  7. He *could*. It’s not something I would be counting on.

    Cruz is an incumbent, with the built-in advantages that brings along. Voter suppression in Texas is brutal and systemic.

    But if Cruz agreed to a debate with Allred, he must be feeling some heat. Secure incumbents don’t usually engage their challengers.

    So while it’s not impossible, I wouldn’t get my hopes up too high.

  8. He won’t lose, but I watch a lot of television and I feel like he is advertising from a losing position. His ads are nothing more than run of the mill right wing culture warring. 

  9. Just a reminder: we are all fully aware Republicans are going to try to screw up the voting on voting day, so take full advantage of early voting. You can early vote at any location in the county you are registered at.

  10. All I’ve ever heard is that everyone hates Ted Cruz. How’d he get reelected in the first place? I assume because there’s an R next to his name on the ballot.

  11. He deserves to lose. This guy openly sued and won to allow larger payback of personal campaign “loans”. It’s the biggest grift and admittedly, they are all guilty of it, but he took it further, and it just scream self-entitled prick.

    You and I invest in ourselves to get hired for a job at our own expense. But politicians can “lend” their money to their own campaign as a loan, earn interest on their loan, and pay themselves back with your donor money.

    In 2018, Cruz used his own money towards campaigning and rightfully so. The law at the time said that candidates can only pay themselves back up to $X. Well, he sued and won getting paid back the balance.

    It was only $10K that he had left to pay himself for. Not a lot of money, but that wasn’t the point. Now any one of them can pay themselves back using donor money, and once again, they bastardized free speech protections claiming limiting the amount that can be repaid, limits free speech (the fuck? You willingly “applied” for a job)

  12. Make sure that you, your fam and friends are all registered to vote if you’re in Texas.

    We went blockwalking yesterday and discovered that a woman who has been voting in every election since she legally became a US citizen couldn’t be found in the system we were using.

    I’m not 100% sure if it was just the system, but we had the relative type in the name – that was accurate with past voters – and not a trace came up. Now they’re on the journey of making sure she’s registered and didn’t get purged through whatever voter suppression stuff paxton and those cucks are up to.

  13. BernadetteSueSena on

    Texan here – Cruz is such a uniquely awful person/politician with no real constituency other than the R next to his name. Allred is hammering him with ads on the border and the whole “Cancun Ted” thing but I’m skeptical the Texas democrats have the infrastructure to pull this off. Fingers crossed.

  14. Not a chance. We saw polls that said Amy McGrath was neck-and-neck with Mitch McConnell and it turned into a blow out. We saw polls that said Jamie Harrison and Lindsay Graham were neck-and-neck and it was a blowout. I’ll believe it when I see it. Texas is backward and full of loyal Republican voters – and Abbott has done everything he could to purge voter rolls, suppress votes and disenfranchise. I don’t trust Texas Republicans one bit.

  15. We’ve been sloooooowly moving blue for years. Beto was the loudest shakeup.

    However, with Allred, we might finally be able to oust Cruz. If that happens, it may be the first in a series of dominoes to fall that finally topple the terroist-like hold the GOP has on Texas.

    First Cruz,

    then Paxton,

    then Abbott.

    A blue Texas would put it on the path to being one of the BEST states to live in.

  16. If republicans would just realize he’s done NOTHING for Texas and is literally the worst human we’d have a chance. I’m seeing Cruz attack ads in Austin, they are pathetic. “Alred doesn’t know the difference between boys and girls”. That’s Cruz’s attack. This is what he’s all about, culture wars. Not the real issues the state is facing.

  17. TheBodyPolitic1 on

    I’m hopeful since Allred is tied with Cruz, but Texas is a crooked state and the republicans there will sabotage the election to prevent Allred from winning.

  18. The fact that they will likely vote for Ted Cruz again should be a sign of how bad the anti-democrat rhetoric is down there. It’s not about liking this asshole, it’s about voting against the Dem.

  19. Texan republicans “hah. What are the women going to do. Abortion isn’t legal in the next 5 states over either.

    Texan women “Well… its legal in mexico. Or we could MAKE it legal in Texas…

    Texas republicans “Wait.. you can vote?”