Irish government ‘ready’ to pull plug on loyalist funding

Posted by cjamcmahon1


  1. About time. Fair enough funding “community” groups in the immediate aftermath of the GFA (after all who is going to employ someone with serious convictions).

    But the GFA was 26 years ago. More than enough time has passed for former terrorists to have died off / become pensioners. Funding these groups prevents the loyalist communities from normalising. Funding them has kept them in the past.

  2. I don’t see any harm in attaching conditions to the free money we give out and if these conditions aren’t adhered to then pulling the plug.

  3. They were bought off starting in the 90s. It was hoped giving them bags of cash and turning a blind eye, more or less, to their extortion rackets and drug dealing would keep from murdering random Catholics which would reignite the conflict.

    The worst elements who would love to upend the status quo like Johnny Adair didn’t have as much luck staying out of prison and were eventually run out of town. UDA leadership has worked to maintain order over the years and in turn has been largely left alone to profit and live comfortable lives.

    This is typical:

  4. Time to pull the plug on the whole Troubles industry:

    ‘Legacy’ inquiries, investigations, prosecutions and lawsuits..

    the despicably one-sided Unionist ‘victims industry’..

    the millions in funding for ‘residents groups’ and ‘community leaders’..

    the so-called journalists who are bitter career shills or fantasist Troubles groupies.

  5. Why the fuck are they giving money to crime bosses.

    Jesus fucking Christ, this is outrageous, whoever donated that money turned a blind eye to a very big elephant in the room

  6. Why the fuck are they giving money to Loyalist crime bosses.

    Jesus fucking Christ, this is outrageous, whoever donated that money turned a blind eye to a very big elephant in the room.

  7. Look, fifes, big bass drums and petrol bombs aren’t cheap. The price of petrol these days alone would bankrupt a lodge over a weekend of rioting. You’ve got to think of the children’, who without these lodges would be bored and might get up to no good.

  8. Peace processes always involve rewarding horrible people.

    Compared to the fact we have murderers and torturers released from prison, this is something I can live with no matter that I dislike it.

  9. vague_intentionally_ on

    Time to cut funding fully to these Unionist terrorist groups.

    They never should have existed in the first place and are just residue of the awful apartheid state.

  10. I would pay to watch the more desperate ones grovel in front of a load of establishment fenians!

    “Now Billy, what’s this picture here, you’re giving the thumbs up while burning our flag”

    “Aye, sorry about that Saoirse, can we keep our money”