I completed the numbers

In 2023, there were 18,483 pedestrian collisions, an increase compared to 2022 (17,765) and 2021 (17,164), 50 per day, 2 per hour, in which 485 people died, 314 men and 171 women (in 2022 there were the same number, always 485 people, 325 men and 160 women)

Indeed, the number of injured pedestrians, some with permanent damage, is worrying, having reached 19,691, an increase compared to 19,062 in 2022.

The places

sidewalk (29 deaths in 782 accidents), while walking regularly on the edge of the carriageway (25 deaths in 825 accidents), while working on the carriageway protected by a special sign (5 deaths and 25 accidents)

on pedestrian crossings as many as 8,276 with 175 deaths, 156 in urban areas and 19 in extra-urban areas

The responsibility

the accidents in which the driver of the vehicle was responsible were 9,958 with 229 deaths of which 193 in urban areas and 36 in extra-urban areas

There were 3,990 accidents caused by irregular pedestrian behavior, with 107 deaths and over 3,855 injuries, with 2,322 cases in which the pedestrian crossed the road irregularly, in 642 accidents he walked in the middle of the road, in 514 occasions the pedestrian suddenly came out from behind a parked or stopped vehicle, in 291 situations the pedestrian crossed at the pedestrian crossing without respecting the signals, with 11 deaths.

Worst months

The month with the highest risk for pedestrians was September with 61 deaths (44 men and 17 women), the least risky was May, with 22 (12 men and 10 women). As for the number of injured, the highest number was counted in November with 2,186 people.

Regions most at risk

Lazio is the region that had the highest number of deaths with 87 (58 men and 29 women) of which 51 were over 65, a sharp increase compared to the 70 deaths in 2022 of which 39 were over 65, followed by Lombardy with 58 (down from 69 in 2022), Campania with 44, Emilia Romagna with 43, Sicily and Veneto with 39, Tuscany with 33, Piedmont with 26. The data on injured pedestrians indicates Lombardy in first place with 3,295, followed by Lazio with 2,855 people, and Tuscany in third place with 1,727 injured.

Big cities

There were 6,163 pedestrian collisions in large cities in 2023, 1,959 in Rome, 1,124 in Milan, 577 in Genoa, 442 in Turin, 389 in Naples, 313 in Bologna, 216 in Palermo, 195 in Bari, 161 in Catania, 146 in Trieste, 128 in Verona, 77 in Messina, 71 in Venice.

The number of injuries in large cities has increased significantly, from 4,442 in 2020 to 5,767 in 2021, to 6,459 in 2022, to 6,586 in 2023.


Posted by giuliomagnifico


  1. Penso sia dovuto al costante aumento delle dimensioni delle macchine. Ormai tutte le auto sono SUV

  2. Non passa giorno che non rischio di essere messo sotto perchè purtroppo c’è ancora una fetta importante di popolazione che, semplicemente, non si ferma per far attraversare.

    Questo si evince molto bene dai numeri purtroppo.

    Bisognerebbe trovare il modo di ricordare o insegnare a chi guida (specialmente a chi ha una certa età) che sulle strisce la precedenza **ce l’ha il pedone**.

  3. Più di due feriti ogni ora, un morto e mezzo ogni giorno.

    Le auto nelle città non devono esserci, punto. Non sono mezzi fatti per navigare tra le persone. 

    Siamo una società di persone, non di auto.

    Bisogna potenziare mobilità alternativa (per davvero) e ridisegnare città. 

    Invece a Milano si tolgono le piste ciclabili per “garantire la sicurezza dei ciclisti”. Disgustoso.

  4. > marciapiede (29 decessi in 782 incidenti), mentre camminava regolarmente sul margine della carreggiata (25 decessi in 825 incidenti), mentre lavorava sulla carreggiata protetto da apposito segnale (5 decessi e 25 sinistri)

    > sulle strisce pedonali ben 8.276 con 175 decessi, 156 in ambito urbano e 19 in ambito extraurbano

    Semplicemente assurdo

  5. ProfessionalPark2480 on

    In Lombardia tutte la quote registrate sicuro su quella merda di A4 con l’uscita ad imbuto che ogni giorno 2 incidenti minimo perché la gente non sa guidare. A me spiace ma se ne fai uno del genere sarebbe da ritiro della patente fisso, un po’ di polso poi magari la gente ci pensa a correre

  6. Ogni anno prendono la patente dei ragazzi che vivono letteralmente attaccati allo smartphone. Io non invidio i pedoni, ciclisti e motociclisti. L’uso del telefono alla guida sta diventando un’epidemia e diventerà la causa principale di incidente.