National Children’s Hospital builder rejects it is ‘holding State to ransom’

Posted by Static-Jak


  1. > “BAM’s approach is based on extracting as much money from the Irish taxpayer as possible”.

    No shit?


  2. ShouldHaveGoneToUCC on

    Copying from a previous post I wrote:

    When I was in college, I funded myself by working as a bartender, which once involved bartending at a BAM function.

    I worked as a bartender for years and never experienced customers as obnoxious as BAM. They treated the hospitality staff as subhuman.

    It’s been a good few years since I worked as a bartender but I always relish seeing BAM get hauled over the coals in the media.

  3. I don’t get how they get away with this.

    If I price a job in a house for example a new staircase for €1500, I won’t get away with charging that multiple times because of consumer rights, regulations and laws stopping me from doing it.

    I’ve worked for multiple companies that were forced to finish jobs at a loss, one got out by going bust.

    How are government contracts so easy to scam?

    Clearly there’s a key piece I’m missing 🤔

  4. Was it also BAM who billed €25 million for a job on the site that another contractor completed for €200,000? If so, how are they not in prison?

  5. justbecauseyoumademe on

    Blame here is twofold, BAM for charging what they did. But at the same time the state made hundreds of changes post tender acceptance.

    If i draw a plan, get a builder, agree on a qoute. And then change half the house i wouldnt be angry at the builder.

  6. Prestigious-Side-286 on

    Great that they got the contract for the expansions of the Cork to Midleton/Cobh train lines. The trains probably going to end of up in Tallow

  7. To me, this just sounds like Donnelly covering his own arse and getting something out into the press that puts the onus on the builders. Project wasn’t costed properly to begin with, plans were inadequate, and an independent party has laid the blame for the majority of the cost overruns on Donnelly’s door – not the builder’s.

  8. As soon as the apple money came in I knew immediately they’d be angling for a cut. The government should be tying these guys in litigation for the rest of existence. Send ever possible regulator auditor and tax man after every thing they ever did. Block every development. They deserve to be ruined for their disgraceful behavior. Should be finish the hospital at the agreed price or we will end you

  9. This is even bigger than the RTE fiasco. This is in the billions.

    Seen a few builds at the moment thats not being completed on time and no definite completion.

  10. Garlic-Cheese-Chips on

    > The claims “have absolutely no basis in fact, **nor are they helpful to ensuring this complex and vital project is completed at the earliest possible juncture**”, BAM said.

    Translation; *”We’re going to work even slower now.”*

    Shower of wasters.

  11. “*Monkey see monkey do*”

    Are there not many NGO’s, state run organisations and politicians, taking the piss to ? 

    Now don’t just take out all your anger at once. 

  12. demonspawns_ghost on

    >However they added that in May an independent conciliator cited the level of design changes by the NPHDB as “by far the biggest factor in the increased costs and delays to the project.” 

     Can we get a bit more information about this? If the NPHDB were making design changes halfway through the project, I’m not sure if BAM can be held solely accountable for this farce. How extensive were these changes? Who made them? Why were they made?