Russian losses as of Sep 22 2024

Posted by ToxicHazard-


  1. Hands down to the men and women defending Ukraine!!! They are doing a tremendous job against all odds!!!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  2. WOW!!

    Hopefully not wishful thinking, but something in my gut feels like this is Russia’s Kaiserschlacht.

  3. AcanthaceaeNo6071 on

    Moscovia can’t threaten any other nation anymore. They went from an ultimate threat to Europe that everyone respects and fears, to a nation that sends their senior citzens, members of their navy, their greatest drone operators and technicans equipped with scooters and even skateboards to join meatwaves that gain 15 meters in donetsk per day, while targeting ukranian citizens like terrorists do, with Iranian, north korean or 80 year old missiles and artillery stored in easily destroyed locations kaboomed by ukraine everyday. Their own territory could be easily invaded without the invaders facing consequences, and their regime is so vulnerable that a coup could easily wipe it out. Even their capital and their presidential office receive foreign air-raids that have actually left people dead. Nations that declared neutral for nearly a full century joined the alliance against them. Pathetic. They can’t even park ships near the black sea and don’t really have a black sea fleet anymore. Ie. In Febuary 2022,Russian threats to European nations were like the Nazis going after you but now in September 2024, Russian threats are like ISIS made animations of your city being bombed.

  4. Late_Singer_7996 on

    Wladimir Putin. Best NATO member ever. Dissolved the entire russian army within months singlehandedly, killed more orcs than covid 19 and no one suspects him. Keep up the good work Wladimir. The whole world is counting on you. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

  5. Unreal.

    That’s over 1 Russian casualty every minute the past 24 hours. Putin is throwing untrained servicemen into a wood chipper.

  6. AshelyWeinerdogowner on

    how non exsistant is the average russain pesant’s survival instincts? Like I can’t imagine myself agreeing to a suicide mission, or not fleeing as soon as i noticed i was on a suicide mission, or I can’t imagine myself not ratta tat tating anyone trying to stop me from fleeing for my life (away form said suicide mission) or at the very least sneakily diserting my post naked, unarmed, with any white fabric i can hold above my head towards the ukranian lines.

    like every one of these fpv attacks is just so fucking terrifying. Like 0 % chance i’d submit to fighting a foe with that sorta tech that can just swoop in outa nowhere and delete my entire lived human experiance. I’d run like forest

  7. These are huge numbers. Russia is clearly driving on Kursk at the moment. Let’s hope they expend the last of their heavy equipment, and fail, to expel the Ukrainians there.

  8. Unique_Prior_4407 on

    Wow they have lost more then 40 tanks in two days! Thats more then what they can produce in a month. Great work!