Conservatives may have to create a new party after the GOP became ‘corrupted’ by Trump, Liz Cheney suggests


  1. Critical_Aspect on

    I’ve been saying for a while that the Grand Old Party needs to become the Defunct Old Party.

  2. >“We need our political system to reflect the goodness of the American people,” Cheney argued. “Whether it’s organizing a new party … it’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party, given what it has done, can make the argument convincingly or credibly, that people ought to to be voting for Republican candidates until it recognizes what it’s done.”

    >She added: “I think making sure that on an individual basis, we’re casting votes for serious, responsible people, that we’re encouraging people to get involved and run.”

    >“There is certainly going to be a big shift I think in how our politics work. I don’t know exactly what that will look like,” Cheney admitted.

  3. alien_from_Europa on

    Narrator: They won’t.

    If they were going to do that then the election wouldn’t be close in many states three times in a row. Republicans fall in line even when they hate the candidate.

  4. Unfortunately for her, every GOP member has become blighted by his mark. Either demonized for disobeying him or damned for acquiescing to his treason.

  5. LurksAroundHere on

    I volunteer the new party to be called DSQPOL, the “Don’t say quiet part out loud” party, because you just know they’ll be going back to the same old shit that lead us to MAGA in the first place.

  6. The schism has already occurred, it’s just MAGA in the Republican party now anyways. Everyone with any kind of moral character has already left them behind, because how can you see anything trump says about other Republicans who happen to disagree with him and pretend that it’s still the Republican party?

  7. You know, Liz, I’d take you more seriously if you hadn’t voted lockstep for his policies while you were in the Senate. TFG did not corrupt the GOP on his own–you helped a lot.

  8. No, this is just the pure essence of conservatism – it’s logical conclusion. Any new conservative party will just be the old conservative party with a new name.

  9. There won’t be a single R on my ballot this year. I’ve voted R since Dick Nixon – until Obama. Can’t imagine ever doing that again. Not sure what happened but that brand is irretrievably damaged

  10. contemporary_romance on

    I mean screw Liz Cheney saying it. It’s been obvious that conservatives needed to change their party line every since the new atheist movement. They’ve known, we’ve all known, that the religious people are not as many as they used to be. You can’t run on conservative values and anti-abortion and win anymore. If they really want a leg in the fight, they have to move further to the left. Cuz people are constantly outnumbering them. Doesn’t matter how much you gerrymander the lines, or lie to people in the ballots, or try to confuse borders, their days are numbered.

  11. Split that vote Liz. It’ll allow progressive policies to pass, meaningfully diversify our political landscape, and compel more good-faith collaboration.

  12. “Dr Frankenstein needs to change the name on his practice after the monster he created destroyed the village.” – Liz Cheney suggests.

  13. The Democratic Party may find itself right of center just to appease these cowards who were too greedy to boot a conman on any of the dozens of opportunities. The constructs of the bicameral legislature and electoral college make a three party system untenable long term. The progressives may need to form their own party to enact real change, also a couple SCOTUS need to kick the bucket.

  14. DiaphoniusDaintyDude on

    The GOP made their Faustian Bargain with Reagan then doubled down with W. Their elitist perspective was, “Put a populist rube up and stoke the culture wars to get elected. We’ll handle the rest behind the scenes.” Reap what y’all sow.

  15. CommissionVirtual763 on

    Do you mean divorce the Trump wing and go back to being corporate shills instead of being bat shit crazy?

  16. Agreed, Cruz, Rubio and all the people that have bent the knee to Trump are not Republican they are something worse, the party needs to move on since democracy does not purge people they can all stay, all those fools, Gatez Boebert, Greene all of them are trash……the new party will drown them out.

  17. If the party were sane before Trump, they never would have nominated and elected him.

    Trump is a symptom, not the disease.

  18. Oh ok. So a party that does nothing and just blocks all social progress.

    Don’t mistake Liz Cheney as a hero. She voted 90% in line with Trump policies. She’s an opportunist and was smart enough to see that MAGA wasn’t politically sustainable.

  19. SnooMuffins4991 on

    As a moderate I think a new Conservative Party without the batshit craziness will be awesome.