So the bloke at the servo said the gas nozzle size changed (excuse me for not using the right terminology) the old one is my rusty ass tank and this is the new one he said he has but I would need a connector or something.

My man is away for the weekend and me and the girls were going to use the bbq but that won’t happen now as the time to find the nozzle etc I’m leaving this to him to sort out.

Surely if they were going to change this they would have had a national notification or something like hey we are updating the nozzles your bbq won’t work without an upgrade? Anyway that’s my rant I’m getting domino’s this weekend.


  1. You don’t need to do anything. New bottles work with old BBQs, new BBQs don’t work with old bottles.

  2. I use the black one for my house gas. The green for my bbq. Bunnings has both

    It’s a different connection. But Bunnings was good enough to swap a green one for the black one which I needed for my house gas connection.

  3. Got a new BBQ and the process to start my bbq consists of disconnecting the tank each time. reconnecting, ensuring all burners are off. It’s lengthy and can be unreliably frustrating. But, I haven’t blown myself up. Yet…

  4. will work fine.

    only issue you can have is if you buy a new BBQ and try and use on an old bottle it wont work.

    old BBQ on new bottle is all good.

  5. DS4fromThePocket on

    “The new gas regulations state that you cannot use an adaptor with the new LCC27 gas fittings. However – the new bottles are backwards compatible to appliances with POL connections – so you won’t need an adaptor anyway. You will not need to change anything to use the new gas bottles with your current appliances (Your BBQ will still work!)“

    The real question is who didn’t refill the gas bottle 🫡

  6. Don’t need to change anything. The old thread is still there inside the new nozzles. Works fine. Ignore the larger outside thread for now.

  7. alterumnonlaedere on

    The change was announced in early 2021, here’s the WA Government press release – [Get set for new, safer gas cylinder connection](

    > Cylinders with LCC27 valves are available now and are compatible with appliances that use the current Type 21 POL appliance connectors.
    > From 1 October 2021, only gas cylinders with LCC27 valves will be available for sale or exchange. Owners of cylinders with Type 21 POL valves can continue using them until they are empty or reach their retesting date.
    > Also from 1 October 2021, appliances with the new LCC27 connection will be available for sale, but this fitting will not be mandatory until April 2022 for equipment used with leisure-size LPG cylinders. An appliance with an LCC27 connection is only compatible with a cylinder fitted with an LCC27 valve.

  8. Considering how many people are on this thread I came here to also complain… wtf are you meant to do when you connect it up, turn on the tap and nothing comes out? (Aka no gas) Bottles full but no gas comes out…
    Even to the point I’ve disconnected and opened the tap with nothing attached just to have the same issue. Repeatedly. All with Bunnings gas bottles! Basically take it back to Bunnings and get a free exchange is what I’ve got… But I’m an hour away from Bunnings and the swap and go at the nearest town is like $15 more expensive. Usually get 3 or 4 bottles at a time (stove and hot water are gas and too rural for delivery) but now I’m up to 3 bad bottles with this problem and the cost of going in early all the time is becoming an issue…
    I blame elgas not Bunnings as the staff at Bunnings are always really apologetic and helpful.