Trump excuse worse than his golf swing

Posted by Individual-Pound-636


  1. Come on, Don, do another!

    You won the last one so easily, one more will enshrine you in the debating hall of fame.

    Please, one more.

  2. He loves giving that prize fighter analogy. Well, prize fighters kinda have to accept the challenge from their arch nemesis, otherwise they are considered cowards. The Undertaker fought Kane like a hundred times if not more. Maybe raise the stakes…whoever loses the debate is buried alive!?

  3. Specialist_Lock8590 on

    He won the first one so bigly, he’s terrified of a second one! Could someone please set up a Gofundme account to donate Viagra to his campaign?

  4. No, it’s true; the scanning electron microscope at Mar-A-Lago broke and the tech won’t come till they pay the bill for when they were looking for his patriotism.