Revealed: Details of shocking snag list at new National Children’s Hospital

Posted by miju-irl


  1. Some seriously worrying details in that article that really brings into question what the board and people managing this project are doing.

    Work carried out for 200k and then billed by BAM for €25m is utterly insane

  2. MaelduinTamhlacht on

    **•**‘Not one’ of 3,000 rooms offered as complete are ‘of expected, acceptable standard’

    **•**Work priced at €25m ‘was carried out for €200k by another contractor’

    **•**Health Minister Stephen Donnelly accuses builder BAM of ‘resourcing the project at less than half of what is required’

    None of the 3,000 rooms finished so far by the builder of the new National Children’s Hospital (NCH) “were completed to the expected, acceptable standard”, the *Sunday Independent* can reveal.

    The extent of a shocking snag list emerged as it was announced the project will miss yet another deadline, with fears now that it will not take patients until 2026.A series of clashes between the builders, BAM, and the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB) is disclosed in correspondence obtained by the Sunday Independent.

    The cost of the hospital has soared out of control and now stands at €2.2bn. The latest deadline for completion of the hospital of next February will be missed. The builders will probably be finished next May, but the fit-out will take six months on top of that.