Israel launches over 100 ‘preemptive’ air raids in Lebanon in one hour


  1. Thank goodness they did that before the terrorists could attack. Maybe prevented another tragedy.

  2. Conscious-Run6156 on

    So where did the so called Iranian reaction for the killing of haniyeh, have everybody forgotten 💀

  3. It’s important to remember that nothing about this is “preemptive” no matter who says it.

    Over the last year, Hezbollah has fired thousands of missiles into Israel, specifically at civilian targets.

    Israel has had most of the area evacuated for months, but they have still managed to damage a lot of places, and even hit people, such as the 12 kids at the school they hit.

    Also remember, Hezbollah isn’t Israel. Hezbollah doesn’t announce their targets, doesn’t send text messages or drop fliers. Hezbollah does not provide planned evacuation routes or bring in aid trucks to the Israelis they hit. Hezbollah certainly doesn’t provide medical care to Israeli civilians they accidentally hit. Israel does *all of those things* if they have to hit a civilian area.

    All that’s “preemptive” about this is Israel finally letting Hezbollah know that they’re getting very tired of all of their crap.

  4. On one hand, the territorial integrity of Lebanon should be ordinarily be respected.

    On the other hand, Hezbollah has basically forced the evacuation of northern Israel with non-stop rocket attacks. If a state is unwilling to make any attempt to disarm a paramilitary force actively attacking a other country, that just proves that they have lost their monopoly on violence and therefore ceased to be a functioning state, and so they don’t have any territory to respect the integrity of, or they have outright committed an act of war.

    I wish the best for the Lebanese people. Down with Hezbollah.

  5. InsanelyAverageFella on

    Israel had the ability to just beat up on all of these groups who keep targeting them and launching random missiles into Israel but held off due to international pressure. Then Hamas pulled the equivalent of 9/11 in the US by their attack on Oct 7th and this gave Israel reason to take off the gloves and just go full out attack mode on all of these groups who don’t acknowledge their right to exist and keep shooting missiles over the border.

    I honestly don’t think they will stop till they reach their goals and now they have a reply to all international calls for restraint saying that they can’t let another Oct 7th happen again.

    The silly thing is that these groups attacking Israel while they feel they are preoccupied with other enemies are just giving Israel more motivation and excuses to keep attacking in the name of defense.

    Anyone else wanna shoot a random small missile into Israel next week and get added to the list of enemies that will be preemptively raided using Mossad intelligence to target big name targets?

  6. Go Israel. Kick their fucking ass. Honestly, I feel bad for the Palestinians the way they’re used as human pawns by Hamas/etc and then just left to suffer the consequences, but Israel has had enough of this shit and it’s hard to blame them