Is my L plate visible enough?


  1. I like that the plate itself has 4 L but I would opt for something a bit bigger than the implication of a learner in the licence plate 

  2. I know this is a joke but the only thing that applies is the actual L plate which is not external and behind tinting so not visible particularly at night. If pulled over can point to the wheel cover and plate all they want but lost the license.

  3. suck-on-my-unit on

    The real answer is the only one that matters is the regulation-compliant L plate, which is the square shape plate with a black L on a yellow background.

    Also the plate needs to be visible from a distance of 20m. Since your vehicle has tinted windows, hanging the L plate inside may obstruct its visibility, especially in low light or if the tint is dark (which seems to be the case here). For this reason, it is generally better to affix the plates externally on the body of the vehicle (such as the bumper) rather than behind a tinted window. The law does not necessarily require the plates to be on the external part of the vehicle, but they must be clearly visible.

  4. The cops will pull you over for being a smart ass and give you lecture about the regulated size of the L and P plates. You could have a comeback by saying ” some drivers drive like they are blind and are constantly harassing me because I am L plater, I had to upsize for them to get the message.”

  5. raustraliathrowaway on

    They’ll still get someone aggressively tailgating and generally being an impatient dickhead