Pregnancy deaths rose by 56% in Texas after 2021 abortion ban, analysis finds


  1. NeitherCook5241 on

    The SCOTUS literally killed women through the dobbs decision. Some of these women were also already moms. This is absolutely immoral

  2. 56%! And once we figure out how to keep dying women from leaving the state for life-saving care, we can get that number even higher! Don’t be satisfied with 56%, Texas! We can get to 300%, easy.

  3. This is simply fucking disgusting!

    I feel for any who are stuck in an abortion ban state… It’s an actual tragedy.

  4. But why aren’t there articles being written about how many babies are being saved by having these women die?

    lol we know why.

  5. Immediate_Loquat_246 on

    I thought they wanted to increase the population, correct me if I’m wrong, but this seems counterproductive.

  6. So the ban that was supposed to stop “murder” is now de facto a legalized bill that allows murder of women….

  7. VladtheInhaler999 on

    Mango Mussolini’s argument was that it would be left to the states. Well, last time I checked there was no option for Texans to vote on it. It’s straight up just Ken Paxton and Greg Abbot.

  8. As an ER physician I gotta tell you, this is even more horrifying than you probably even realize. This *should not be happening* in a country with resources as abundant as this one. We were already one of the worst for maternal mortality in the modern world before this. This statistic makes US one of the “shit hole countries”.

    This should be an ad in front of every single Texan, preferably every single American to illustrate how abortion is healthcare, and limiting access has serious consequences.

    Edit: I had to come back just to reemphasize that in a normal world this should be a national humiliation. I say again, we should be HUMILIATED that this happens in this country. What right do we have to call ourselves the greatest country in the world when we can’t even take care of our own future? Our kids get shot, our pregnant mothers die, and somehow we are the best?

  9. throwaway1070now on

    And they still will vote for the cult/party that limits their freedoms/autonomy.

    “Can you think of any laws that give government the power to make decisions about the male body?”

    Vote Harris.

  10. These abortion bans are a drunkenly wielded, mud-covered ~~sledgehammer~~ cross.

    It didn’t have to be like this. Republicans could have worked with doctors to craft legislation that had commonsense regulations to protect the lives of expectant mothers. But then Republicans could craft commonsense regulations to protect children in schools from being murdered by semi-automatic weapons, too.

  11. CompleteApartment839 on

    If you don’t want to live in Gilead, better get your ass out and vote. No excuses, DO IT. Bring 5 friends and ask them to do the same.

  12. Texas does not allow for citizen initiated ballot referendums. They must be initiated by the legislators. That means while states all over truly got a say in deciding on reproductive freedom because of popular citizen opinion, we did not and cannot. This is one reason voting in state and local elections is so important.

    If you’re looking to make a difference from home, help write non-partisan get out the vote letters to congressional district TX-15! Vote Forward added TX-15 to their campaigns and aim to write to 14,523 letters. In the past few days alone I’ve watched it go from only 18% of letters written to 30%.

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  13. Zealousideal-Ad-1842 on

    The exception for the health of the mom , doesn’t exist. It’s not based in science. It’s intentionally vague so when a woman dies there is an out. Basically they wait until the woman is at death’a door and hope the doctor can bring her back.