‘A fake, a phony and a fraud’: Heated exchange between Pierre Poilievre, Jagmeet Singh



  1. Canadian political discussion looks like high school girls fight. you can feel passive aggression in each sentences. one Speaker prevents this shitshow to be turned into episode of mean girls.

  2. Appropriate_Item3001 on

    Excuse me. He ripped up the agreement. Everything has changed. He voted for Trudeau because he needs more time to get the NDP movement strong enough for Jagmeet to be prime minister.

    This will totally happen. Trudeau will allow it.

  3. ZonicTheNicotineHog on

    He deserves every word of it.  Low intelligence, unprincipled, no integrity opportunist.  The only reason he got in there at all is because progressives value diversity over competence.

  4. Laxative_Cookie on

    I’m thinking PP is just repeating what he’s been told his whole life. Populist politicians are all this, and he is 110% about populism.

  5. Just because the NDP won’t automatically vote with the Liberals doesn’t mean the torn agreement means they’re suddenly the friend of Pierre Polievre and the Conservatives.

    The NDP are free to vote how they believe the people that elected them feel they should vote. And I don’t doubt most of their voters would likely not want them voting non-confidence now and probably give the Conservatives a majority government.

    Just because you think Trudeau and the Liberals suck doesn’t mean that you automatically will just vote for someone else because they’re different. That’s the reason we have this shitty two party system, basically.

    Trudeau sucks. So does PP.

  6. Hey anyone remember when PP was Housing Minister under Harper and they built in total 6 public housing units, because Harper disbanded Public Housing and made PP in charge of an empty desk?

    Even Harper didn’t trust him to run anything lmao.

  7. Ambitious-Squirrel86 on

    Fake, phony, and fraud[ulent], is any pretence by Poilievre that he is honest in describing the former Liberal/NDP Confidence and Supply agreement as a “Coalition”.

    During Shitweasel’s former job on Governing benches (2009) his former boss Steve the Peeve declared that “Coalition Governments are illegal in Canada” when the then opposition parties were actually considering forming one.* A Coalition is two or more parties merging their caucuses, sharing the Government side of the benches, and having a Cabinet/Privy Council drawn across their MPs.

    Civics much? Nah Pierre just wants to gaslight his dupes.**

    *ETA: there is nothing in CDN Law of any sort, which specifically defines coalitions as illegal.

    ** Nor was the C&S agreement anything like a coalition by any definition.

  8. Singh may not support JT but he, and the NDP support the conservatives even less. The fact he ended the Supply and Confidence agreement doesn’t mean he should just hand the PM office to PP.

    I do think JT’s govt will likely fall at the Budget.

  9. literalworkaholic on

    This is like the 10th time this has been posted. Who cares. We all know we’re going to get a clown of a PM within a year.

  10. Constant-Squirrel555 on

    Can we just have a 3 way no holds bar hell in the cell match between pp, Trudeau and Singh?

    Heck let Blanchet in as well

  11. This article leaves out the best part

    >Singh left his seat and walked into the aisle to shout at Poilievre. Two MPs who were in the House told CBC News that Singh said, “I’m right here, bro,” while another said they heard the NDP leader say, “I’m right here.”

    Wasn’t this guy a lawyer? Yet he can’t logically defend with words, so he resorts to physical intimidation. The House of Commons has turned into a daycare for misfit children

  12. DeepfriedDonkeys on

    Anyone who doesn’t want American style politics in Canada should take a deep long look at Poilievre. It’s all he is. Attacks and slogans.

    It’s incredibly disappointing this is how our “leaders” act.

  13. Pierre needs to tone it down. I’m a right leavning guy but he’s getting super annoying and childish with this

  14. Petulant Pierre and his team seem to think Canadians are very stupid. Just because Singh “ripped up the agreement” with the Liberals does not mean they have confidence in Poilievre’s CPC running the country.

  15. Hefty-Station1704 on

    Sounds like the punchline for: “What do you see when each leader of all three political parties walk into a bar?”