Posted by JulietAlfaTango


  1. iRedditAlreadyyy on

    I love the whole “abortion after birth” conspiracy he keeps pedaling. That’s always been illegal since that’s text book murder.

  2. The convicted felon and rapist’s deranged rant is unreadable. Someone should explain to the senile old man that all caps is harder to read

  3. “I will make women free by taking away their ability to choose for themselves.”

    That’s some Orwellian level of doublespeak.

  4. Yeah, cuz If there’s one thing the lady-folks love, it’s being yelled at on social media by an unfaithful, wife beating, ugly old rapist.

  5. Live_Commercial1307 on

    I wouldn’t worry too much about his screaming, by my estimation with the stock in toilet he’ll sell his stock and another Trump business will bite the dust.

  6. Gee Don-old, I wonder why women don’t feel as safe as they did 4 years ago…oh right, you completely fucked them over by railroading the repeal of Roe and normalizing “locker room talk”.

  7. He’s twisting himself into a pretzel.—- he will protect women at the federal level by leaving their health care up to the states? Basically changing nothing.

  8. Does trump really think that a tweet like this convinces anybody of anything? Does trump think that a tweet like this shows leadership or competence?

  9. RazzleThatTazzle on

    Do the people that like him like the all caps? I think my favorite current politician is jamie raskin. If that dude put out a completely logical paragraph about constitutional law, but it was in all caps like this, I don’t know how seriously I would take him.

  10. Green-Umpire2297 on

    Is it just me or is he proposing a federal law granting abortion rights that would override state laws?

  11. MercutioLivesh87 on

    He doesn’t promise not to rape or sexually assault anyone, tho. Not that we’d trust the orange weirdo, but the lack of self-awareness only makes it worse

  12. **MORE FLARES…**.Again; shooting up flares so everyone is looking up, **not at the ground.** like 4th July; **It’s bizarre**.

    Republicans **aren’t voting for Trump,** they’re voting for the POWER He is their **Lee Harvey Oswald,** so they will NEVER condemn him until they no longer need him.

  13. Do they really believe people are killing babies after they’re born? Like, really believe that?

  14. And there are still women who will vote for him, women who are or can get pregnant because immigrants are eating our cats. If fiction writers wrote this, it would be binned because it is just too out there.

  15. I’m sure that all the women who read this will smile and sigh with happiness that they don’t have to worry their pretty little heads, Trump will make it all better for them.


  16. All he does is try to speak things into existence and hope you will just listen and take it in without question. Shame on any human being who does so.