1. The question is why settle Mars if we could nuke Earth and Earth would still be the preferable place to live on.

    Heck, I would say the Moon is far preferable due to proximity and the complete lack of atmosphere is easier to handle than the little Mars has.

    We need to find oil, Gold or diamonds first for Mars becoming even interesting for at least resource extraction and better mining tech on Earth probably is still more cost effective.

  2. We don’t need a manned mission to Mars to explore Mars or Space. i wish we could focus on science and exploration without some agenda on inhabiting and/or terraforming Mars.

  3. We have severe problems about sustainability here on our own planet. The cities and the buildings we live in are poorly and inefficiently designed without a care about our natural resources. We are consuming our resources like they won’t end. But that’s not the truth. We are only looking 100 years ahead at max. What about 1000 years? We are cladding high rise buildings with marble for f.sake…