Bought this beautiful painting / world map from a charity shop for near dirt nothing two days ago.

The artist is William Bleau I think ? A Dutch artist, anyways it’s obviously a copy but it’s huge and stunning and I love it.

While having a glass of wine, I started looking at the map and I seen this random island off the coast of Ireland called Brasil? You can see it on the map if you zoom in, i think this is a 1600s world map.

But anyways, Any information would be great !

Posted by bygonesbebygones2021


  1. According to Irish folklore an island named Hy-Brasil was visible from the west coast of Ireland for only one day every seven years, the rest of the time it was obscured by fog.

  2. ShouldHaveGoneToUCC on

    It’s called Craggy Island. It’s not normally on maps though. They’re not exactly New York.

  3. In the middle of the night, if you listen really really carefully, you can hear samba music from very far away …. drifting over the ocean.

  4. Read this book, there are some parts of history we fully don’t know about. Some word we know as Irish language words we can show usage on Irish islands going a very long way back – are very close to words in Arabic and other languages and explanations for that today are hard. I got this book for Christmas Kris kringle thing a few years back – knowing nothing about it in advance – but asks worthy questions

  5. bygonesbebygones2021 on

    Thanks for all the helpful links! I’d love to know if any like studies or research group’s investigated its credibility or whatever.

    Me low-key hoping TG4 or RTE do some sort of short documentary about the so called island lol

  6. There’s a big apartment complex in an old building in Kilimainham called Hybrasil and it’s supposed to be haunted.

  7. Crimthann_fathach on

    There is a medical manuscript that still survives that according to legend, came from that island. The book of the o Lee’s/the book of Hy Brasil.

  8. strictnaturereserve on

    Hybrasil was an island that was supposed to be off the coast of ireland. I think it was mentioned in some ledgends.

    turns out it doesnt exist.