Ukraine’s strike on Russian arms depot destroyed up to 3 months’ worth of ammunition, Estonian military intelligence head says


  1. If 30 thousand tons of ammunition is 3 months worth that means Russia is producing only about 300 tons of ammunition per day. That seems low to me.

    The linked article says:

    > Ukraine was able to strike the depot because some of the ammunition was not located inside bunkers, causing a chain of explosions that destroyed 30,000 tons of ammunition to explode, Kiviselg said.

    > “At an average rate of military action, Russia fires 10,000 shells per week. That is, a two-to-three-month supply of ammunition,”

    So it’s 2-3 months worth of artillery shells, if we assume all the ammunition stored there was artillery shells, which is probably not the case. Either way it’s not 2-3 months of total ammunition for the Russian war effort.

    Not trying to undersell the importance of this strike. It’s obviously a huge blow to Russia. Just trying to bring some realism to the numbers being bandied about.

  2. Its not just he destroyed ammo but the fact the have to change thier entire logistics for areas serviced by this bunker and whichever bunker is hit next. At some point there will no longer be good places to store large quantities of ammo that give it even rudimentary protecton and they will be back to individual warehouses.

  3. >”At an average rate of military action, Russia fires 10,000 shells per week. That is, a two-to-three-month supply of ammunition, We will see the consequences of this *loss* at the front in the coming weeks,” Kiviselg said.

    Good riddance. As these shells are simply fired for terrorist purposes, we already know this particular “loss” saves a lot of suffering.

  4. So, now that the Russians are low on ammo, why doesn’t Ukraine take advantage of that and ramp up their offensives?