Students attending protest told to ‘wear blue’ to mark them as ‘colonizers’


  1. Foreign-Discount- on

    >One of Mona’s cousin’s classmates — whose family recently immigrated to Canada from India, a nation that endured centuries of colonial rule — reportedly asked their teacher to stop referring to him as a “colonizer.”

    >A Tweet from the day of the protest by the Elementary Teachers of Toronto specifically mentioned “students” taking part in the protest, with schoolchildren seen on video marching alongside flag-waving union members.

    >“She was very upset,” Mona said of her cousin, who is Jewish and approached her teacher at the rally to express her discomfort once the anti-Israel chants began. **“The teacher told her, ‘You’ll get over it.’”**

  2. Educational-Bid-3533 on

    It’s going to stay like this until a breaking point is reached. At this point, historical injustices are being used to bully folks into compliance.

  3. BugsyYellowpants on

    Do not let people who were picked on in school (not because of looks, or social standing….but because they were obnoxious frigging dweebs with shitty personalities) teach your kids

    They all grew up to be this. Theatre kids, student council. Not the “smoking at the end of the bus loop” Alt kids but the “hockey is fascist” Alt kids (two very distinct groups)

  4. And this is why you have people proclaiming that teachers are brainwashing kids and forcing their political beliefs on them, simply because this shit is happening. If I was a parent I would be absolutely livid with the teachers and school board for pulling this kind of stunt.

  5. Worried-Philosophy-7 on

    I can see why in the US people are attracted to Trump. There is so much of this nonsense around you just want to see these people rounded up and shipped to some isolated island where they can simply terrorize each other.

  6. Had to put up with this on my kids first day of high-school. Some guy married a native lady and is now teaching our kids we are settlers.

  7. I remember this time when I was born…. Here…. After a few generations of family being born here. I didn’t colonize anything….

    I’m fed up…. I didn’t colonize, I didn’t repress the natives, I didn’t destroy the environment… but I sure feel like the scapegoat now

  8. What the hell are students doing at a protest with their teachers? Do teachers realize that these kids are only their students, not their real kids…right?

  9. Straight-Bee-415 on

    I am at a loss here I 100% get watching a protest for warmth rights for Native Canadians great learning opportunity to teach what happened before and what is happening now. However, I do not agree with having them attend an Anti/Pro Israel or Palestine, especially in a place like Toronto which is very multicultural. Any teacher or person who were involved in this that knew or encouraged the children to take part should face some serious repercussions.

  10. This is horrifying and entirely unaccpetable. I cannot believe that a teacher not only actively lied to parents in writing and then have the audacity to actively get the students to wear the equivalent of a scarlet letter to shame them for their heritage. This breach of trust and violation of children should cost the despicable human being responsible for it their career, at the very least, as it is abundantly obvious that they can not be trusted in any conceivable way.

    This demands action.

  11. We went to swim in an indoor public pool when I was that age as a school trip. How have times changed 🤡

  12. These hyperspecific acts do nothing to help the actual disadvantaged groups. It’s slacktivism with a side of alienation.

  13. Please don’t lump all teachers in with this bullshit. I swear, these are just crazy people who happen to be teachers (and shouldn’t be). Most of us think this is batshit crazy.

  14. Zealousideal-Leek666 on

    My kids high school gave him a failing grade in an assignment because he didn’t adequately describe how he was a priveleged racist benefitting from his whiteness.

  15. The university system has done more to disrupt left wing organizing than COINTELPRO could ever dream. Honestly there’s no need to even use a heavy handed police presence at these things anymore because they always devolve into some goofy nonsense like this.

  16. We need to end this narrative that all white people living in Canada are colonizers. Not only is it not factually accurate, it’s fucking stupid and divisive. For example, my ancestors are from Ireland. The British, with an assist from the Catholic Church, also colonized and committed genocide against the Irish people for hundreds of years before they even set foot in Canada. Not every white person living here is a descendant of actual colonizers.

  17. Ah yes, positive racism/ethnic labeling.

    Clearly you aren’t allowed to be a moral person unless you demonstrate your white guilt.

  18. The idea that there are Canadians who are ‘settler-colonialists’ in 2024, Nevermind students who, because they are children, do not ‘own’ anything nor have full agency over themselves, are ‘settlers’ or ‘colonizers’ is so painfully ahistorical and anachronistic that it’s hard to know where to begin.

    What is worse is that the source of this confusion is coming from their supposed educators. That these educators are clearly both unfamiliar with the intricacies of colonialism as a historical process as it relates to the formation of capitalist nation-states and the Marxist theory they are aping(bastardizing) all the while holding children hostage as a captive audience via loco parents is beyond sickening. It’s unconscionable beyond disgusting.

  19. Chairman_Mittens on

    Man, I would be pissed if I were these kids. I looked forward to field trips like an inmate looks forward to his conjugal visits. What kid wants to spend their field trip day at a protest?

  20. We are all colonizers, this land was completely uninhabited at one point until humans migrated here and settled. The whole who was first argument is tbh quite ridiculous as we all originated from the same area thousands of years ago.

  21. This doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Teacher’s would’ve had to submit a plan to the principal, requesting permission for a field trip. And a trip to “observe” a protest surely would’ve required a higher ask at the administrator level, so how many people fucked up here? Multiple layers of poor optics.

  22. Substantial_Monk_866 on

    This is another reminder of why my kids are not in the public school system. Be activist on your own time teachers.

  23. redditneedswork on

    “Wear a blue shirt because you are this ethnicity”

    Sounds an awful lot like

    “Wear a yellow star because you are this ethnicity”

    It was wrong then.

    It’s wrong now.

  24. These teachers are the bleeding heart losers who couldn’t cut it in the working world. Their options are worthless.

  25. 6moinaleakyboat on

    This is the second time I’ve read this today. My old brain cannot fathom that this happened. I believe it did, but my brain can’t process it.

    WTF is happening here? (here meaning Canada)

    Rhetorical question

  26. My Greek ancestors were colonizers since the invention of the boat, spreading their culture all over the Mediterranean. I continue their legacy in North America. You WILL eat gyro and you WILL enjoy it