Cards Against Humanity is suing SpaceX for trespassing on its ‘pristine’ property


  1. Longjumping-Ad-7310 on

    Suing Elon should become an Internet passtime. Suing wanna be tyrant is good for the future.

  2. Trolls gonna troll.

    Edit: I get it, it makes people SUPER SADGE CRY TIME that rich people dare to exist in the world, but that doesn’t change the fact that CAH is a troll company and it’s doing troll shit, here.

    But hey – why not tie up the courts with frivolous shit? not like there’s serious cases to try or anything and their already backed up. What matters most is the troll company selling some more edge-lord cards to the kind of people who think liking alot of hops in their beer and wearing a beany makes them “cultured”.

  3. cigarettesandwhiskey on

    It sounds like they’re actually suing him for illegal dumping. Which, is a legitimate thing to sue over since it costs money to get whatever stuff people have dumped on your land removed.

  4. ImmediatelyOrSooner on

    I love the part where they’re suing Leon Smuk for $15 mil but will also accept ownership of twitter.

  5. Their announcement email was so, so good: “While this will never be enough to compensate you for the anguish you’ve experienced witnessing Elon Musk defile your once-verdant land—where wild horses galloped freely in the Texas moonlight—we think it’s a pretty good start. Unfortunately, Musk has way more money and lawyers than we do, so you’ll probably get, like, $2 tops. “

  6. I paid good money for my percentage of a parcel of land. I’m glad CAH is holding up their end of the bargin. I look forward to my $2.

  7. Bright_Effort7758 on

    SpaceX was given the wrong land by the Texas government. It’s an administrative mistake and not the fault of Elon Musk.

  8. Seems to me that unless spacex has a construction department the company doing the construction on SpaceX’s behalf is the one at fault. SpaceX just writes them a check. And we the taxpayer write SpaceX a check to cover their operations cost plus profit. Sod the lawsuit will only hurt the taxpayer in the end.

  9. What’s up with all the Elon fanboys, go cry over your tesla stock.

    Sure Cards Against Humanities is a troll, that’s their entire business, have you ever played the game?

    Doesn’t change the fact that the land is legally theirs, and Elon is trespassing.

    Take Elon out of the equation, say it’s zuck or bezos. I bet y’all wouldn’t be so mad.

    Now change cards against Humanities to your own family and you’d be furious – just in the direction of the asshole who is taking your land.

  10. What the people received from CAH, text only, no pictures.

    Dear CAH Saves America Subscriber,
    My Bro sent me this to share with everyone:

    We have terrible news. Seven years ago, you paid us $15 to protect a pristine parcel of land on the US-Mexico border from racist billionaire Donald Trump’s very stupid wall. 

    Unfortunately, an even richer, more racist billionaire—Elon Musk—snuck up on us from behind and completely fucked your land with gravel, tractors, and space garbage.

    2017: BEFORE MUSK

    2024: AFTER MUSK

    Just look at it. He fucked it.

    How did this happen? Elon Musk’s SpaceX was building some space thing nearby, and he figured he could just dump his shit all over your gorgeous plot of land without asking. After we caught him, SpaceX gave us a 12-hour ultimatum to accept a lowball offer for half the land’s value. We said, “Go fuck yourself, Elon Musk. We’ll see you in court.”

    So today, we’re announcing Day 7 of Cards Against Humanity Saves America: CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY SUES ELON MUSK FOR 15 MILLION DOLLARS.

    If we win, we’ll split the net proceeds equally among all 150,000 of you, up to $100 each. While this will never be enough to compensate you for the anguish you’ve experienced witnessing Elon Musk defile your
    once-verdant land—where wild horses galloped freely in the Texas moonlight—we think it’s a pretty good start. Unfortunately, Musk has way more money and lawyers than we do, so you’ll probably get, like, $2

    If you want to increase the pressure on Elon, here’s something you can post on Twitter (the platform he wants you to call “X” for his own sexual gratification):

    In 2017, I paid Cards Against Humanity to protect a pristine plot of border land from Trump’s racist wall. But then an even richer, more racist billionaire—Elon Musk—stole my land and dumped his shit all over it. u/ElonMusk owes me $100. #ElonOwesMe100Bucks [](  

    With great vengeance and furious anger,

    Cards Against Humanity

    Our mailing address is: Cards Against Humanity PO Box 316620 Chicago, IL 60631

  11. > The company behind the card game is asking for $15 million in damages, according to its complaint against SpaceX, filed in Texas state court on Thursday, but has also said it will “accept in compensation.”

    absolute gold

  12. Wow a company that’s ran by a disgusting shitbag of a person is doing disgusting shitbag things…. No way.

  13. Musk will 100% take that land through eminent domain when Trump is elected. Some Trumper stooge will assess the land to be valued $1.

  14. A follow-up question is what would you do with the []( domain?

    I would put up a donation page for the Harris presidential campaign.

    After the election is over I would put on it whatever annoys Musk the most. I wonder if that would not be a successful social networking service like some that existed back in 2022 with a bird logo. An alternative is just a static image of him pre-hair transplant.