I’m using it to clean/remove masking tape residue from windows. Not drinking it. Just to be clear.


Posted by EducationalPaint1733


  1. DisastrousLab1309 on

    As others have said it’s IPA. 

    Techniczny is purity class. It goes Techniczny, czysty, czysty do analiz. (Technical, pure, pure for chemical analysis.) the last one is the most expensive but leaves the least residue- good for cleaning optics, glasses and so on. 

  2. Yes. It contains 85% isopropyl alcohol. Techniczny means “Technical”. It’s for purposes you use it for, also for cleaning various equipment, lenses, or glass.

  3. Those alcohol-based thinners, especially based on ethanol, are always contaminated, because if they were pure, they would be additionally taxed as regular, consumer-grade alcohol.

  4. Smart-Extension-6471 on

    It is not more toxic than ethanol, but liver and kidneys can suffer if you drink. Neither smell tasty.

  5. techniczny because it’s alcohol but deadly to drink, similar to lube and industrial lubricant, same thing but for different purposes

  6. mmmm, my favorite. They also have a violet colored one, called Denaturat, it tastes like blueberry

  7. 85% isopropyl is pretty poor quality. Good enough for basic cleaning. I’m using 99.x iso for cleaning laser lenses and stuff like this.

  8. It means that you need to drink it fast becouse it’s getting darker 😉

    Obv /s, please dont drink that if you want to kiss your mum next christmas

  9. Keep it AWAY FROM ACRYLIC/PLEXIGLASS. Keep it away from most rubbers. Keep it away from ABS plastic if you mind it changing appearance. DO NOT clean your monitor with it.

    Real glass is fine, fantastic for removing sticky residue.

  10. anonymous_account15 on

    I love how half the comments was „technical use, doesn’t work on glue, her’s how to remove glue”, and the other went „DON’T FUCKING DRINK IT!!!11!!”. It really tells a story about Poland 🙂

  11. There is of types of alcohol than vodka. And only vodka (ethanol) is drinkable. This one can be you last alcohol in life.

  12. Bit late for the party but next time just use Google translate. There are ‘translate from images’ or ‘translate from a photo’ options in there so you can see what’s up.

  13. CoolioMcHomeslice on

    It’s rubbing alcohol for disinfecting/cleaning. It would be like drinking hand sanitizer. Like most varieties of alcohol, like methanol, it is poisonous to consume. It is not ethanol, and drinking it is extremely risky.