This Żabka in Wrocław is like a fortress

Posted by Vatonee


  1. Gold-Instance1913 on

    They won’t get our pierogy! Slava Ukraini! I mean Slava Polska! But that ain’t Polish. Kurwa!

  2. It’s the corner stone of society. The only Żabka in a 100m radius, if it falls, society will fall with it.

  3. Well, since the man in charge started to talk about how German soldiers will be seen and they are to be treated as friends, the only option is to be prepared for everything

  4. Dobrze, jak nie będzie powodzi to są od razu gotowi na ruskich, NIE ODDAMY ANI JEDNEGO HOT-DOGa!!!

  5. I have a ticket to take my mom to Wroclaw next week. We`ll be there till the 2nd of October.

    Should I cancel this?

    I know the flood will go down the Odra, and here in Szczecin, people will start preparing the Blwary along the river bank. I just want to know what Wroclawians recomend…

  6. Idk who’s the polish armies equivalent of Private Ramirez but I know what stores rooftop he’ll have to defend

  7. Capable-Comfortable4 on

    They’ve probably heard that German soldiers are coming from the Prime Minister. So, just in case. 

  8. Carlos_de_la_Puenta on

    Ok, seriously…all people that ever shopped in Żabka, know it’s critical infrastructure, in same line with railroads and postal offices. It’s essential for state functionality