This summer I visited exactly 30 birds across Estonia. It’s incredible how much history Estonia has to offer if you only look a little. Until now, I had thought that I knew so much about Estonian fortresses, but how many of them there actually are and what magnificent fortresses they once were, surprised me a lot.

I would really like to restore and show what these fortresses looked like in their medieval glory. Unfortunately, not enough sources or drawings have been preserved for many fortresses to make accurate reconstructions, such as the Vigala fortress, of which only underground ruins remain today. The model I made is based on the plan of these underground ruins and the reconstruction of Villu Kadaka. It’s amazing how much hidden history remains undiscovered.

The model is 3D printed and hand painted. The ground is made of foam and then decorated. The dimensions of the model including the frame are 70 x 115 x 45 cm and the scale is 1:95.

From the 3D photogrammetry model:

Posted by TayFaly


  1. Ja uskumatu kui kiiresti nad tegelikult hävinesid. Paljud olid veel 19. sajandilgi täitsa püsti veel. Kui katus läinud ja ei hooldatud, siis vihm ja jää muudavad võimsad müürid umbes saja aastaga kivihunnikuks.

  2. Väga cool.

    Millel põhineb info tornide kõrguse kohta? (Ma saan aru, et Villu Kadaka rekonstruktsioonil, aga see omakorda?)

  3. Technical-Strain1839 on

    Väga äge 👍

    Tahaks näha ka pilte selle mudeli valmimis protsessist.

    Millega ja kuidas see prinditud on ja millega tehtud 3D mudel ning kui detailne see linnuse 3d mudel on arvutis.

    Mul on olnud juba kaua aega mõttes mõnest ajaloolisest hoonest taoline mudel teha aga siiani on see mõtteks jäänud.

  4. Äge.. aga kivid on 6-10x suuremad kui peaks.

    Räme kiusatus on ise low-poly variant sellest teha