Every day I collect many headlines, but publish few. Here is a collection of everything for those who want to see a little more.


The government says that before the end of October it will be possible to know whether the Agreement will be mixed or not

Segués denounces the blockage in the decriminalization of abortion in Andorra

The decline in purchasing power and economic growth focus the attention of the General Council

Ferré explains that the works on the CG-1 complied with the signaling and safety regulations

Prevention for young people, but not forgetting the elderly in the field of mental health

Marín confirms that the head of the Gavernera area will be announced next week


Spot: the Government’s function ‘is not to protect’ those who only seek to grow the profit and loss account

Territory defends that ‘everything was in order’ in the area of ​​the fatal collision in Font de Ferro

Chain Ser Andorra:

The Government rules out legalizing abortion

Espot asks the groups for more involvement to find out the European Parliament’s position on the mixed agreement

Salud will launch a screening to detect learning disorders

The owners of Ordino have submitted 147 allegations in the second review of the POUP

We buy:

They investigate the 100 million euro crypto scam with Andorran connections

147 allegations in the second exhibition of Ordino’s POUP

Surprise of Coma before the 147 allegations to the POUP

Espot insists that the Agreement will not be implemented without a consultation

Josep Duró of the APTA: "The omnibus law creates a dangerous precedent in the freedom to use private property"

Catalan chef Carme Ruscalleda is awarded the Andorra Taste Award


The owners of Ordino charge against omnibus law

Ruscalleda receives the Andorra Taste 2024 award

Espot sees disloyalty from the signatories of the manifesto against the omnibus law

Social flats for mental health patients

Andorrà Town:

Prosecution opposes release of young man from CBD due to flight risk when he has refused only to be expelled if he pleads guilty

The Consul Major of Ordino shows her surprise at the up to 147 allegations in the POUP

‘In Ordino we don’t want to build towers, but the families who have preserved the land are being punished’

The hotel sector demands labor quotas to guarantee staff stability

Carme Ruscalleda, awarded with the Andorra Taste Award for her professional career

Espot criticizes the disloyalty of the real estate and construction sector for the rejection of the omnibus law

Hi han més articles avui -09/20/2024. Aqui estan tots els titulars que he trobat…
byu/apocalypse_then inandorra

Posted by apocalypse_then

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