Trump Will Have a Full Blown Mental Breakdown When He Sees the Lincoln Project’s Newest Video


  1. OtherwiseBed4222 on

    They should change the last line from hates all of us to he’s afraid of all the women. That’s why he acts hateful is because he is afraid of the women.

  2. At this point, indicating that Orange Trump “will have a mental breakdown” is unnecessary. Let’s just stipulate that his mental illness does not and will never take even a temporary hiatus. He’s a sick fuck 24/7.

  3. earth-calling-karma on

    I just got a full blown mental breakdown from that website user experience. The enshittification is killing me.

  4. The fact that he hasn’t stroked out from having daily mental breakdowns is astounding. Also saddening, but mainly astounding.

  5. Do these actually air on TV or anywhere? Serious question as I cut the cord years ago so haven’t seen any commercials, campaign or otherwise.

    Or are these just put out on YouTube and social media?

  6. Wooden-Emotion-9875 on

    Convicted felon trump is not well. He is not stable. There’s something deeply wrong with him.

  7. Lincoln Project hits harder. But the ads dont even need a narrator. Just buy airtime and play video/audio clips of trump.

  8. anOvenofWitches on

    One of the earliest memories I have about Trump is how god-awful he was to woman executives who needed breaks to pump breastmilk after returning to the office.

  9. Wait a minute! You mean has already had a full blown mental breakdown? How do you explain his speeches, the way he dances at rallies, etc etc

  10. Wow! Powerful!

    Closing line,

    >”Trump may say he hates Taylor Swift, but the truth is, he hates all of us”

  11. He hates women cause he’s probably a closeted gay looking for validation from his dictator idols, daddy issues?

  12. memoriesofgreen on

    I hate a full blown breakdown when i tried to read that article. What a horrible ad-strewn wasteland it it.

  13. Ryboticpsychotic on

    Saying he was going to be dating a child in ten years is so fucking gross. 

    I don’t know how anyone could stomach voting for this fuck. 

  14. Facts do not bother him all that much, you have to think like a high schooler and hit his ego.

    Make him feel stupid, unmanly, boring, disgusting and small. Do that and he may just stroke out.