BREAKING: François Legault wants the Trudeau government to fall


  1. It’s better than that, he is asking **Paul Saint-Pierre Plamondon**, leader of the PQ (the guy who will replace him in 2026 if the polls stay the same), to ask **Yves François Blanchet** of the BQ not to save **Justin Trudeau** because the latter will not move to reduce temporary immigration, despite 6 months of négociations.

    Shows how much influence he has left.

  2. Cressicus-Munch on

    Non mais ça pue le désespoir chez la CAQ!

    Il cherche à se faire la cote chez les 20-quelques % des électeurs québecois qui supportent le PCC tout en se contorsionnant en pretzel pour blâmer le PQ pour la survie probable du gouvernement Trudeau.

    C’est absurde, c’est pathétique, et ça nous montre bien que tout ce qui reste chez la CAQ, c’est la démagogie.

  3. Puzzleheaded-Dingo39 on

    You have to love hypocrites like Francois Legault. Imagine Justine Trudeau saying this on his government or on any provincial premier. We would see no end to the fake outrage about meddling in business that is not yours.

  4. Is that surprising?

    He’s not getting everything he wants at all times. He’s not ideologically similar to Trudeau and it’s a free boost in the polls to express wanting the government to fail right now.

  5. This is clickbait. The BQ is still not gonna side with the CPC in the nonconfidence motion, from what I can tell.

  6. Legault is engaging in self-interested politicking, which won’t go anywhere, but the bigger thing to watch for is how many other prominent leaders at the provincial level will harp on the federal parties keeping JT in power until those federal parties take a further beating in the polls, before, inevitably, caving in. Specifically, I expect we’ll hear the opposition parties in quebec at some point (disappointing quebec is inevitable) and I also expect the Atlantic premiers will become increasingly vocal.

  7. Agressive-toothbrush on

    LEgault’s “Quebec First” veneer is peeling off… If Legault was logical, he would know the Bloc has this once in a generation chance of advancing Quebec’s interests in Ottawa…

    So, the only possible conclusion is that Legault is not after Quebec’s best interests but after Legault’s best interests.

  8. Interesting that he considers the PQ and the BQ close, since from what I understand, they BQ has marketed itself in the last 2 elections as the CAQ’s representative in Ottawa.

    I was also watching Question Period yesterday, and I think Trudeau has gotten far too complacent with the NDP agreement. The Bloc was repeatedly asking him about a unanimous motion from the Quebec assembly calling on Elghawaby to resign, and Trudeau ignored that and didn’t answer the question.  If the Bloc feels disrespected, they could easily call an election, especially with no concessions on important issues.

  9. This is a pretty flimsy article not worthy of posting. Also the title has been edited to include “BREAKING:” which it is certainly not.

  10. Of course he does. A CPC government would be good for Legault.

    Generally, the CPC doesn’t really like to do grand national policies that affect all the provinces. Quebec likes its “independence,” and a CPC would give them that. The CPC would also intervene less in social policies that Quebec may impose.

    It’s also clear that Polievre won’t intervene in Anglo issues in Quebec. You can see this when he says that he will defund the CBC, but with an asterisk that he will not touch Radio-Canada. So, obviously, he will not do anything that disrupts the French language, which Legault wants.