Hello, dear fellow citizens!
I’ve been lucky enough to be allowed to share a project with you here (thanks, mods!) that might be relevant to someone – or maybe someone knows someone…
Anyway, I just want to say that the association Autisme Ungdom holds a series of presentations around the country during October and November, which are intended for newly diagnosed autists (or autists who lack more basic insight into their diagnosis). The presentations are held in collaboration with a specialist from the respective area in the country, who will talk a little about autism in general, before a presenter from AU (e.g. me!) takes over and talks about his own experience with the diagnosis.
The target group is young, newly diagnosed autists aged 13-35. If you are older than 35, you can still participate in a planned online presentation! You do not have to be a member of Autism Ungdom to participate, nor do you have to document your diagnosis or when you got it. More information can be found incl. FAQ, as well as dates and registration here: https://www.autismeungdom.dk/introduktion-til-autismens-verden
Personally, I am involved in the project because it was something I could have needed myself when I was a teenager and had just been diagnosed. I think it was so hard to navigate, especially emotionally. The hope is to make things a little easier for others, and perhaps make the road to self-acceptance and understanding less long and bumpy
Posted by EreneHD
Super spændende og relevant – vil der være mulighed for at deltage online for de der pt er så ramt at de ikke kan deltage med andre personer?
Det var da et helt vildt godt initiativ. Jeg oplever at den gængse autisme forening, har lidt svært ved at nå ud til yngre medlemmer..så Kudos for godt initiativ herfra.🫡⭐
Fedt initiativ! Det har jeg virkeligt manglet, så det skal jeg helt sikkert til, hvis familielogistikken kan gå op!
Jeg har deltaget i et foredrag med en fra AU, og hun gjorde det smaddergodt. Min oplevelse er, at når man (i det her tilfælde min teenager) får en autismediagnose, bliver man “smidt på gaden” – vi fik at vide at der var masser af info på YouTube.
Jeres initiativ er supergodt, og jeg glæder mig til at deltage i flere oplæg.
Jeg er selv lige blevet diagnoseret AuHD for 3 måneder siden. Lyder spændende