Shamima Begum’s lawyer fined over appearance on ‘anti-Semitic’ TV show

Posted by ParkedUpWithCoffee


  1. SenjumaruShutara on

    I’m sure someone will come out and try to defend this/her, and accuse everyone else of being racist.

  2. HauntedFurniture on

    Nobody read the article, did they. The tribunal concluded Akunjee said nothing antisemitic and seems to have tacitly accepted that he was mislead by Press TV as to the editorial line of the show, acknowledging that his comments were “unplanned and spontaneous”.

  3. Press TV is an outlet of the Iranian government. One of the main combatants in the Syrian Civil War together with its proxies Hezbollah.

    Ask yourself the question: is this a person committed to human rights of all. Or just very committed when issues align wiht their agenda and totally indifferent almost all of the rest of the time?

    The Syrian Civil War has killed over 500 000 people and internally displaced over 6 million with another 6 million externally displaced.

    Iran also massively represses its own people


    Then place this in the context of the kind of show on Iranian TV he turns up on.