Is it time for “publish or perish” to perish?


  1. TheresACityInMyMind on

    It’s dumb.

    The best professor teaching-wise at my college got fired for not publishing.

    All of this wank where TAs teach courses so professors can research and get published is as broken as it is dumb. If you can’t teach your way out of a wet paper bag, you don’t belong in a position as an educator.

    The entire concept that you need no teacher training because you have a PhD is bullshit.

  2. I’m not sure, in detail, what this all entails so forgive the question and please educate me.

    But if science doesn’t publish, what are the outputs?

  3. No. The problem with publish or perish isn’t the ting itself its who its being applied to. It needs to be applied to the top end researchers so they aren’t spending time wandering off doing research no one eve knows about cares about or even finds out about. It doesn’t need to be applied to the everyday college teacher who also shouldn’t be the top end researcher. There needs to be more of a distinction between researchers and teachers. We don’t need Nobel Prize candidates teaching basic physics classes (nor grad students there is an in between), we need them doing research. There needs to be a professor track and its the main track for most people in the job that focuses on teaching.

    The days when college was some elite place where only a few select got to go and therefore needed access to the most exclusive researchers is long past. Most college students, even masters and many PhDs candidates aren’t there to become researchers or contribute to the growing body of knowledge. They are there to get a piece of paper so they can get a better job. These people shouldnt be wasting the top end, the people who should be publishing’s time.