First of all, I would like to make it clear that I am not against retention reservoirs in the Kłodzko Valley. I do not have enough information on this subject, so I am not taking sides. However, I have noticed a lot of disinformation and manipulation, which may lead to an even greater deterioration of the situation in Poland.
There was a lot of false and manipulated information about this great catastrophe. Most of it is not repeated outside of conspiratorial circles, but a few issues have made it into the mainstream, especially regarding the retention reservoirs in the Kłodzko Valley. I want to straighten out a few issues, but there are certainly many more, these are the only ones I came across and I was able to verify them quite easily.
- The construction of the reservoirs was stopped by "ecologists"including those from the Save the Rivers Coalition:
I recommend reading the document linked in this tweet, because the author probably didn’t read it. There is no direct opposition to the construction of these reservoirs anywhere. There are only comments and criticism of some aspects. There is even a sentence there: "In summary, it was stated that the construction of dry reservoirs is a better solution than regulating streams, widening and deepening them, raising and building new embankments, walls, etc." KRR is a very useful organization that fights for very just causes, in a very professional manner and in accordance with scientific knowledge.
Only 4 of the 16 tanks were built.
Referring to the same document. There were 16 proposed tank variants. Only 9 were selected for implementation. The rest were other variants that were never planned to be built because they were simply different versions of those 9
Urszula Zielińska said: "In the era of climate change and the increasing problem of drought, investing in nature-destroying reservoirs is, in our opinion, the worst possible solution."
Here is the interpellation from which this sentence comes:
It concerned the planned Wielowieś Klasztorna reservoir on the Prosna River. I recommend looking at a map of where it is located. Virtually everyone would probably agree that this is, to put it mildly, not an entirely optimal solution. The exact vocabulary used here can be debated, but the sentiment is entirely right.
I expect a lot of sentimentalism to return in the near future "building water won’t be a problem". I would like to warn against this. Large reservoirs have their place and sometimes there is no other way. But usually there are other solutions, better and more effective. Each such investment must be subjected to meticulous analysis and criticism.
Dezinformacja na temat zbiorników retencyjnych
byu/buhu28 inPolska
Posted by buhu28
Myślę, że:
1. Nie mam na tyle wiedzy żeby się wypowiedzieć, ale:
2. Wątpię żeby ktoś przewidywał kilka lat temu, że będzie powódź jak 20 lat temu i budował na siłę
3. Gdzieś te zbiorniki trzeba by było zbudować, a to oznacza skupowanie działek od rolników, albo, w gorszym przypadku, wysiedlanie ludzi, co jest w chuj niepopularne
ano prawda, ale jak politycy wzięli to sobie na temat i zaczęli sobie przerzucać te *potencjalne* zbiorniki jak gorący kartofel to nic dziwnego że się posypały wszelkiej maści teorie
Uważam, że Zielniska powinna zamknąć dziób na temat zbiorników retencyjnych, bo nie ma odpowiedniego wykształcenia, by prawić morały.
Rozgrywki polityczne przeniosła na infrastrukturę bezpieczeństwa. O infrastrukturze bezpieczeństwa powinny mówić mądre głowy, ze specjalizacją, a nie osoba po marketingu i zarządzaniu.
Bo jak polityk otwiera dziób, to ma ku temu swoje korzyści, niż korzyści ludzi. Polityk się wymieni, nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za swoje słowa – w stosunku do profesorów zatrudnionych. Bo oni podpisują się pod projektem swoim autorytetem i stopniem naukowym.
Tyle w temacie.