Credit to Stiofán Gearoid de Prindérgas, Father Ted Feckposting

Posted by StKevin27


  1. We_Are_The_Romans on

    Like, even if you were that stupid you could just open Google Maps and swipe hard to the right and itll land on Ireland – curiosity resolved

  2. This dope doesn’t speak for the uk lol.

    My grandad was a Claddagh man, and my auntie lives in Galway, we used to fly out of the shithole that is England and enjoy a week in Ireland a lot when we were younger.

    And guess what, we didn’t even need a map 😁

  3. Someone tell him google maps works but it’s useless because there are no mobile phones in Ireland yet.

  4. People can just be a bit lacking in any knowledge of anything.
    You still get Londoners who don’t seem to believe there’s any civilisation beyond the M25.

  5. All they’d need to do is open the google maps app and look.

    Here I am right now in Ireland, looking at the maps app for Italy.

    Fucking cretins.

  6. susanboylesvajazzle on

    There are many English people who still don’t understand that Ireland is not part of the UK. Not Northern Ireland… south or the border, independent for over 100 years Republic of Ireland and will argue with an actual Irish person that it is part of the UK.

  7. Reminds me of one time I was walking out of a shop with shopping in my hands instead of a carrier bag as i forgot to bring one with me and i passed two Americans and one asked the other “why is she not using a plastic grocery bag?” and the other said “this is Ireland they don’t have plastic grocery bags here”

  8. SnooRadishes2312 on

    15 years ago i was living in England for half a year or so and was making plans to visit ireland – a bank clerk in england made some small convo and was asking me if i had any travel plans as i was sorting some banking stuff out there.

    I said i planned to go to Dublin.

    She asked me ‘where is that?’.

    I laughed confused thinking maybe she was making some shitty joke against ireland, but her face was the same dopey smile she had on the moment i walked in.

    I eventually said ‘in ireland… Its the capital’

    ‘oh, never been there’

    And continued on with whatever bank request i had.

    Now im a canadian, and i know some north americans have a reputation of being a little gullible at times. But i have enough friends and been around enough irish, english, scottish (and one welsh) to know genuinely when someone is taking the piss out of me, and i just dont see this banking clerk doing that. i truly do not believe she was, i think she was just an idiot. This was in central england, in an area with a less than stellar reputation.

    Ill admit though, it still leaves me confused to this day – but ive shared the story enough times and heard enough recipricol stories that i know its not entirely a one off.

    Ive also met an american who asked her brother (who i was on a call with) if the canadian on the phone ‘speaks american’ with 0 irony (confirmed by him).

    People like this exist everywhere.

  9. Just-Lavishness895 on

    people say i live in the middle of no where when i live on a busy road that keeps me up at night from the traffic