Coercive controller dubbed ‘spokesman for men’ forced ‘worthless’ partner to sleep in the woods

Posted by suspended-sentence


  1. Winter_Syrup5283 on

    “He instructed she delete a number of friends, particularly if they were male.”

    How to tell a man is just a little boy in a big body and can’t handle the big bad world. 

  2. JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on

    Now I don’t know this guy’s motivations for why he did this.

    He could just be a straight up sadist who enjoys being cruel to women like that.

    However that said, if he did this for reasons of insecurity which I feel like tends to be the case with a lot of these type of crimes- speaking as a man, if you feel that insecure I think it’s best to remain single because not only are you treating someone like shit, you’re also tormenting yourself.

    Because it takes a lot of mental energy to constantly thinking about what your partner is doing like that.

    It’s not healthy for both parties.