California firefighters’ union: Trump should ‘be ashamed’ over threat to withhold firefighting aid


  1. >Trump said if he were elected, he would stop sending California federal firefighting aid unless Gov. Gavin Newsom enacted his policies.

    >The president of the California Professional Firefighters union blasted the remarks as ‘shocking.’

  2. Imagine if Biden refused hurricane relief to Florida for some stupid reason. I’m sure the cult would be perfectly fine with it.

  3. whateverwhoknowswhat on

    Such a popular voter suggestion ! 1/8 of all voters live in California. Threaten to burn all Californians up. Nice. /s

  4. He should also be ashamed that he’s gonna kill unions, ban abortion, end social security, and take away your overtime

  5. Yes, he should be ashamed — of threatening to hold firefighting aid, and of literally *every single decision he made as president, and is making as a candidate*.

    He should be ashamed of every single one of his beliefs, every single one of his actions, every single thing he has ever done in his entire life, because *everything* he does is based solely on what will best serve him and his narcissism. It is *insane* that close to half of America could ever consider electing this psychotic, malignant, narcissistic, racist, sexist, rapist to the highest office in the land.

  6. Trump made it very clear during Covid that he is willing to let certain Americans suffer if they don’t flatter him or toe whatever line he’s making.

  7. Critical_Aspect on

    Given the chance, trump fully intends to harm his “enemies” any way he can, whether it’s a person or an entire state.

  8. Sadly, the majority of police and firefighters unions in this country will endorse or, if not officially, at least be pro-Trump.

  9. Hurricane hits Texas and Florida and Biden is call governor’s asking what they need even though both Abbott and DeSantis hate him and speak I’ll of him. Trump would gladly watch Cali burn because Newsome won’t kiss the ring.