1. OverlyComplexPants on

    I love watching the Republicans fight with each other. It’s the only time they tell the truth.

  2. figuring_ItOut12 on

    Graham’s closet was always transparent glass. It doesn’t matter either way. What matters is he’s been a terrible person for years.

  3. Any second now Graham is going to go “Nuh-huh. He who smelt it, dealt it!”, and Loomer will respond with “God, you’re like, such a losssssser.” And then the recess bell will sound. Please, someone tell me that the recess bell will sound, because if this is the state of modern politics…

  4. They didn’t listen to him when he warned them that if they nominate him, they will be destroyed, and they will deserve it…

    They’re gonna listen to him now ?😂

    Fuck off ,Lady G…

  5. I wonder if this is one of the reasons that Josh Holly got drummed out not a supporter of his by the way he was a shill and a very weak one at that physically and mentally.

  6. JesusFelchingChrist on

    Miss Lindsay Graham could’ve totally have been the gatekeeper he wants to be if he just wiped his chin and swallowed the orange punk.

  7. serenitynow_hoochie on

    I always wondered if Trump would simply destroy the Republican Party from within. Why so many people still support the man is beyond my comprehension.

  8. Fairly obvious – hate begets hate. What you all expect? I say just enjoy watching them tear each other apart til November 5th. They’re all in their anger stage now. No turning back. Might as well break out the beer, bar bq, popcorn and chips instead

  9. Can’t wait for the Netflix documentary of the cult behavior around Trump.

    We’re now at the part where one of the dumbest, ill equipped and racist persons tries to cozy up to the dear leader and all the other minions get pissed off and start in-fighting and revolting because it wasn’t them.

  10. *Every* Republican or GOP headline now reads like a dysfunctional 5th graders class. *”No YOU DID! NeeYAH! NeeYAH!”*

    So tired of it. We have much more important things to do.