Highest cost of living worldwide. We may not be number 1, but we’re close


Posted by that_gu9_


  1. Traditional_Dog_637 on

    Must be true , because only in Ireland could family which never worked a day in their lives expect and get a house for nothing

  2. TinyPassion2465 on

    We should not be that close to Switzerland in living expenses they make on average probably 1.4 times what we make at least.

  3. As an American living in Ireland I can at least keep telling myself it is better here than in the states. 

  4. I assume this is the top 40 countries in the world. This disparity between 1 and 40 is huge, especially given there are 197 countries in the world. Would have thought the top would be a lot closer.

  5. That’s super damning. Yeah not number 1 but the coubtreis around us have mitigating circumstances.

    Monaco for instance has serious benefits for its citizens, like highly subsidised housing.

    The US obviously has much higher earning potential in certain areas. And if you’re not about that then they also have areas with super cheap housing and low cost of living.

    Switzerland had massive wages and is just generally nicer.

    The comparable one is singapore. Wages are pretty comparable to here. But they have better healthcare, there’s little to no crime, and it’s clean.