A meta-regression showed that non-U.S.-based interventions were significantly more effective than U.S.-based interventions in treating survivors of human trafficking



  1. ogodilovejudyalvarez on

    It would be interesting to see intervention effectiveness by country graphed against social spending as a % of GDP

  2. NeurogenesisWizard on

    I should spend more time on r/science, this is easy to figure out.
    Its because the belief in hell scapegoats everyone who is not what you identify as. So this means, because they are incapable of empathy to those outside of their circles because its not literally just an echo chamber reflection of themselves, that they cannot relate to people, and would let them die. Because demons are scapegoats and hell is where they go. All supernatural beliefs extend to behaviors and shape culture, and all are worthy of criticism. Literally their belief in christianity and hell is what causes this harmful policy. They don’t care if randos get tortured for infinite time, you have to realize this. Thats why they are not effective in intervention. They already belong to some cult-ure. So they prioritize that, everything else doesn’t matter, like pollution or global affairs. Thats how I see it anyhow. Id Ego Superego. They give up their superego to the church or faith, then its dictated through dissociation, about their dissociated beliefs (delusional, spiritual, supernatural beliefs). Then they are operating semi-automatically to conform to said beliefs while being incapable of grasping reality relative to what they should be doing, OR they are actively not giving a f*ck because its not benefitting them.