Most people would probably recognize it, but if it helps even one person – great.
Ovo is an example of one of the letters that can be sent to the address of a trade or company – most often newly opened ones, but they can also send to old ones.
Although it sounds official, "Economic Register" is just the name of one of the sites where you can pay to register your business and it is not an obligation. All companies are automatically in court register (artisansfor trades) and it is updated by the state bodies responsible for it – you don’t have to pay anything.
What "Economic register" and similar ones do is to send letters like this (sometimes also calling on the phone) that sound very official and contain semi-threats in the hope that someone will read it, think that it is just one of the things related to the various fees and chambers that exist and be even more frightened "deletion of the business entity". They will still be happy because they will manage to pay only €100 within 8 days and avoid paying a higher figure! This one is even more problematic because the name of the company itself sounds quite official.
This page, like similar ones, is a simple page with a list of companies/trades that have paid for registration – something like a directory. A directory that no one uses and whose sole purpose is to extract money on ignorance and robbery.
I’m looking at the site and I hope that all the companies that are there didn’t really pay, but they just copied from an existing register. Although, the company has €116,000 in revenue in 2023, so maybe they really paid – I don’t believe that it is difficult to find and deceive 1,160 companies/trades in a year, i.e. find part of the new ones and collect the annual membership fee from the old ones.
Lešinarenje novih i starih tvrtki i obrta
byu/walrussel747 incroatia
Posted by walrussel747
Iznenadio bi se koliko puno ih to plati.
Kad sam otvorio obrt, dobio sam ih barem tri. Svi su imali taj agresivan pristup i tvrdnje da postoje dugovanja. Tada me se uvjeravalo da je to ružno, ali legalno, al čitajući ponovno ovaj tekst nakon par godina mi je ta tvrdnja apsolutno morbidna. Ovo je čisto laganje i muljanje
To i Oryx spam
Nije mi jasno kak se dopušta poslovanje očitim lešinarima za koje gotovo svi znaju ko i za ciganku s katoličkim kalendarima na Glavnom kolodvoru.
Tri Hrvata, dva tata.
Čim mi je tvrtka bila otvorena, na registrirani email mi je stigao mail od “Antiregistar” <>, sadržaj emaila je:
javljamo Vam se jer smo detektirali da ste upravo otvorili tvrtku **XXXXXXX d.o.o.**.
I dok Vam mi prije svega želimo čestitati i poželjeti uspješno poslovanje, postoji nekolicina tvrtki u Hrvatskoj koja upravo u ovom trenutku pakira kuverte s uplatnicama i šalje ih na Vašu adresu.
To su tvrtke koje će se lažno predstaviti kao važni poslovni registri i/ili baze podataka s financijskim izvještajima, a sve u svrhu da Vas navuku na svoje jednokratne/godišnje/mjesečne naknade.
Nemate nikakvu pravnu obvezu da budete dio niti jednog takvog registra, niti Vam oni mogu pružiti išta više od onoga što već imate u sklopu sudskog registra ili FINA-e.
Ovo su neke od tvrtki od kojih možete očekivati poštu:
[]( (Poslovni Pregled d.o.o.)
[]( (Gospodarski popis d.o.o.)
Ako smatrate da smo Vam ovom informacijom uštedili novac i želite nam nekako zahvaliti, možete nas počastiti kavom:
Sretno poslovanje i srdačan pozdrav!