Knife wholesaler surrenders 35,000 ‘zombie’ blades

Posted by Alert-One-Two


  1. Praetorian_1975 on

    So they’ll get 350k in compensation. And that’s probably more than they purchased them for in the first place. These idiots fuelled the knife crime epidemic, they knew what the knives were being used for and by whom.

  2. Article re-ordered with the only three paragraphs you need to know.

    >…outlaw more blades will take effect in England and Wales on 24 September. From then it will be illegal to own a [zombie] knife.

    >Under a government surrender scheme Luton-based Sporting Wholesale will receive £10 compensation for each knife.

    >The company said it would not comment.

    So, what they actually did was sell £350,000 worth of useless stock to the taxpayer.

  3. Those new criteria listed in the article, does the knife need to meet all of those to be considered illegal?

    Because if not, then surely most bread knives are gonna be covered by this law change. Pretty sure mine is over 20cm long and has a serrated edge!

  4. Well this is largely a useless measure. Teens will just switch over to kitchen knives or flip knives. It’s already illegal to carry a knife in most cases, at least these knives were harder to hide.

  5. > “zombie” blades.

    >Police said the knives and machetes were designed to “kill and maim”.

    Why zombie? Aren’t these called Rambo or Bowie knives?

  6. In other news; the sales of kitchen knives has increased fourfold. ProCook shares have gone up 20%

  7. I wonder if they had to prove when they bought them. Can half imagine some companies import stock at £5 a unit to claim the £10 amnesty.

  8. Casting_in_the_Void on

    It’s ridiculous that the Tax Payer is compensating that company for its cheap tat rubbish that certain youths have immortalised as fearsome status symbol weaponry due to their appearance but also good to close down the wholesale supply.

    I’m not against getting these particular knives out of circulation: they are useless as tools, deliberately menacing etc and shouldn’t be overtly encouraged as they have been due to said appearance.

    Not that this move will save a single life, of course, since those who carry knives as weapons simply switch to another blade – even a large kitchen knife like they used to carry and some still do.

    It is utterly pathetic that the Gov et al think that they can pretend that this ban will save anyone. All they have done is make it look like they have done something to appease the victims families etc when, in fact, they have done nothing more than remove tat quality blades that look menacing and appealing to a certain group.

    The core reasons behind knife crime meanwhile go unchanged and those intent upon stabbing others will carry on as before with other blades.

  9. anybloodythingwilldo on

    ‘The UK is no longer a place where these items can be sold’

    No country should ever be a place where these knives are sold, they literally serve no purpose other than to cause harm.  Idiots.

  10. Electrical-Young-883 on

    ZOMBIE knives. Jesus christ. The goverment actually using a SUN headline as a identifying term for a certain type of knife.

    This ban will do nothing for knife crime rates.

  11. I still don’t even understand the concept of zombie blades, and how you can even specifically legislate against them.

  12. deadblankspacehole on

    Weird how government rushed to ensure all forms of cannabis is illegal since forever and will stay so but they kept these knives legal for so long

    It’s all about the harm reduction innit, priorities. So glad they’re keeping us safe from the evil plants and now finally the nasty knives