Hello! Today I was on my way home from a job interview and met two stuffed animals who were sitting on the bus. They each had a note around their necks that said their names were Mats and Kalle and that they wanted to go to Norway and Copenhagen respectively! There was also an email address for the father of the child who had sent the stuffed animals on an adventure! I’m pasting the email I wrote below and some pictures! Anyway, this made my day❤️


My name is XX and I met two very cute and nice stuffed animals today! I met them sitting on the Red express bus after I had been to a job interview in Liseberg. I decided to take a complete detour home to go to the central station with Mats and Kalle. We got there and I ran on the platform to catch the Copenhagen train before it left. There I met three train bums with big backpacks who were going to Denmark! I actually don’t know what country they came from and they spoke English, so I explained to them that Kalle wanted to go with them to Copenhagen. They happily received him and me and Mats waved them off as they left for Denmark! Then I would find someone who could take Mats to Norway. I checked the departures and saw that a VY bus was leaving at 11 so I went to the VY buses office. They said they were too busy and that Mats would end up in lost property if I gave him to the bus driver but I couldn’t allow that! Instead, I stood at the Nilseriksson terminal and started asking around among the people waiting if anyone was going to Norway. There, Mats and I found a very nice girl who would go there! I have full confidence in her and she was so happy to join Mat’s adventure! She promised to fasten him in a seat belt on the bus and that then in Norway she would perhaps give Mats to a passenger who was going on perhaps to Trondheim!

I thank you for the blind trust and for allowing me to be part of this journey!

PS, if you come by Liseberg at some point and I’ve got the job, you can see if anyone’s name is XX and, if so, wave to me!


Posted by Happy-Cat25


  1. Det här får mig att tänka på något som jag och några vänner höll på med i flera år.
    En av mina kompisar hade en Spice Girls-keps som blev stulen på en fest av en annan vän. Efter det blev det liksom en grej att kepsen skulle stjälas varje gång den dök upp någonstans.
    Kepsen kunde vara totalt spårlöst borta. Ingen visste vars den höll hus eller vem som hade haft den sist.
    Förutom då det dök upp en bild i nån gruppchatt eller på instagram där det visade sig att den var på äventyr igen.

    Den måste ha varit överallt i hela sverige. Hängt med på massa festivaler. Tågluffat i europa. Tror också den fått haka med på några andra utomlandsresor.
    Engång var det en snubbe som köpte den för en platta bärs på en festival. För att bara sen bli snodd igen samma kväll.

    Dock fattade han aldrig traditionen och brukade kommentera på instagram “DÄR ÄR JU MIN KEPS!!” så fort den dök upp i bild.

    jag tror den ligger i en byrålåda någonstans i södra sverige just nu, i väntan på att bli snodd!